The Cause of Your Neuropathy, is it Unknown?

I’ve been talking to people about their neuropathy for 13 years.  I recently offered a quiz to help people to know what can make the neuropathy worse, or what will slow down building healthy nerves when taking supplements.  (Here is the quiz, if you are interested – Quiz 

One thing that I get often is that the cause of their neuropathy (nerve damage) is unknown.   Not only does that bother me as they could be doing something everyday that creates more nerve damage, but I don’t understand why the cause can’t be found.

So, on that note, here is an article where all the causes of nerve damage is listed.

Causes of Neuropathy (Risk Factors)

And here are some articles on some of the major causes  Article on Causes of Neuropathy

If you, for any reason, no of another cause, please tell me.  I want to research it and put it on this list

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