More Help for Tinnitus

There are a lot of opinions on tinnitus and even different found causes.  I know someone whose tinnitus was bad – he also had neuropathy and was taking a formula to help restore health to the nerves.  H woke up one morning and there was no sound, he thought he actually had gone deaf and got up so upset he started hitting the wall.   He was shocked, he could hear, and the tinnitus was gone.

I recently found another possible and very logical cause.   Adrenal Fatigue.  Here is an article on Tinnitus and includes more information.      Tinnitus & Adrenal Fatigue.   

The Most Commonly Underdiagnosed Condition – Autonomic Neuropathy

confused on what is wrong with me.Have you ever wondered why you may be experiencing symptoms like sleep apnea, abdominal pain, or hypertension?

There’s a hidden health condition that could be at the root of these mysterious problems—Autonomic Neuropathy.

It’s a condition that disrupts the function of the autonomic nervous system, which controls bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and temperature regulation.

The tricky part is that symptoms can vary widely and often go unrecognized, leading to a delay in diagnosis and treatment.

Read about Autonomic Neuropathy

Neuropathy? Supplements that Can Ease Your Symptoms

What can you take that will ease the symptoms of unhealthy nerves while not giving you side effects?    I’m sure you’ve read all different ads to take this or that to fix the problem.   Well here are some of the supplements that will help  including a new approach to helping the pain that you may feel.

Read the article that lists the various supplements that will Ease Your Symptoms


Are you hopeless about ever getting your quality of life back due to Neuropathy?

I know that people with neuropathy are always looking for something to relieve their pain and other symptoms. They might not want to take some medication that just covers up the symptoms, and also has side effects and the herbs that try to cover up the symptoms can have their own bad effects.

But it seems that if you don’t do anything about it, it will only get worse. I’m sure the fear of worsening pushes people to find anything that might help.

I’ve worked with people with neuropathy for almost 17 years; I know what they go through. I even have some understanding about it from the time I badly hurt my knee and leg.

When I felt the tingling sharp pain and burning, I knew it was damaged nerves. I can only imagine what a lot of peoples neuropathy is like after my bout.

But, I jumped right in and started taking the supplements that would restore health to my left leg’s nerves. My leg got better pretty fast, well it was a new injury and I didn’t wait for it to get worse. Nerves will do that if the damage isn’t addressed – it gets worse.

I’m writing this to tell you that building healthy nerves works. Here is my solution Nerve Support with Benfotiamine.

If you have any questions contact me.

MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the best possible results you. And don’t be surprised if we contact you so we can check up on how you’re doing and to see if we can help you to get things moving faster!

Start the New Year off Right – Health Education

Get Educated to take Control of Your Health

Be able to make informed decisions on what you should do to achieve your goal.

What are your health goals for the new year? Can MCVitamins help you achieve them?

If you need assistance with figuring out what actions you can take to improve your health please call or email us.

Contact us so we can help you get an excellent start for the new year!

To Your Health,

A Quiz to create a program for Nerve Health (and lessening of symptoms)

There is a new quiz which is designed to create a personal program to restore health to your nerves.

There are lots of nerve support formulas around since 2010 that try to help a person relieve the symptoms of neuropathy.   Three is actually the original nerve support formula that was available earlier since 2004.  Some are good, some fair and many are just covering up the symptoms.

The person’s activities in life can impact creating nerve health.

The new quiz asks the question so that a real program can be developed to relieve the symptoms while building health for the nerves.

You can access it here  QUIZ

What is Inherited or Genetic Neuropathy?

nerve damage from Damaged DNAThere are specific types of neuropathy that are considered inherited.  

But genetic is a matter of the DNA.  It can be altered not only by what you inherit but by what can affect the DNA.   Chemicals, radiation and toxins can also produce damage to the DNA either by breaking the strand or rearranging the sequence of the genes.

There are also conditions that are considered hereditary neuropathy.

Read:  Hereditary Neuropathy