The Hazards of Bleached Flour

In Europe, it’s illegal to use chemicals such as chlorine and bromine to bleach flour. In the US, it’s standard.

If you eat anything made from white flour in the US, including baked goods from grocery stores, restaurants and bakeries, you can assume the flour is chemically bleached.It’s another highly processed food, and here’s why it matters to your health.

See Processed Foods 

Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron; calcium; magnesium; amino acids; chlorophyll; and vitamins A, C and E. It contains all the minerals known to man as well as vitamins B Complex, I and K. It’s  nutrient content is said to boost immunity, kill harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and rid your body of waste.  

In a juice form it is easily assimilated. 

Dr. Berg’s wheat grass juice powder is 100% organic and massively nutrient-dense. It is grown on an ancient sea bed in Utah, which allows the grass to absorb tons of trace minerals. It is dark green, alive and very aromatic. You’ll notice the difference between this wheat grass juice powder by its deep green color, soothing taste and aromatic smell.

See more about Wheat Grass 

Masks & Skin Inflammation and Bacterial exposure due to wearing them

Whether you agree with the wearing of masks or not, you are often required to wear them to work for 8 hours, or when you visit a store.

Without the controversy there is another situation, many people develop skin trouble from wearing a mask (especially those prone to acne & skin problems)

There is a solution to the skin inflammation.Here is an article regarding this: Natural Skin Repair Solution for Maskne


Bacteria Infections – This is part of the problem, no doubt, but there is a situation (and more controversy) regarding bacterial infection from breathing in a mask.

We will find out more information on this, but meanwhile, please don’t wear a mask more than one day before changing to a new mask which has just been washed.

One of the scary thoughts is geting a bacterial infection in your lungs and then being exposed to the flu with already weakened lungs from a bacterial infection. So if you wear a mask, keep it clean and bacteria free.

More next week.

Building Health at the Cellular Level

“We need to shift focus from treating disease to generating health” – Hippocrates (AMA “The Father of Medicine”)

As per the above quote, generating health is the way to go. It is smart to not let your body degenerate to the point where you have to have a medical doctor intervene with drugs and surgery. You create health by addressing the body’s needs and improving health where you are more able to live life.

I’ve done a lot of looking, and found this incredible product that meets the needs of many problems with the ingredients it contains.

Read:  Cellular Health and recommended  nutrition.

Heart Health, Information You Need to Know

For the cardiovascular system to function, the heart muscle must be strong and the blood vessels must be clear, unobstructed, and sufficiently dilated and pliable to adequately transport the blood.   

What do you for Health Health?   What can you do after a heart attack?

Read Heart Health

Is your Health Condition an Adrenal Problem – what can you Do?

Knowing what the situation is regarding your health puts you on the road to building health.   But now there seems to be so much more you can do.

Do you have tired Adrenals?

Exhausted adrenals?

Is this the real reason you have problems sleeping?

We do have some good articles that got through the steps on what you can do to help – immediate help, what to eat, and what supplements you can take to support your adrenals and build adrenal health.

Here are the articles Adrenal Exhaustion  

Do you want to take something to help your exhausted adrenals

Are you adrenals so exhausted that you need Advanced help
There is a formula for that too.

Having trouble sleeping   Try the Sleep Aide for Adrenals

Adrenals are a problem in this society, but there are ways to create health.

Too Much Cortisol or Too Little? What about your Adrenals?

When the body is on constant alert as it thinks its in a non-survival situation, it creates a lot of cortisol – the flight or fight hormone.   But what happens when your body has been doing that for so long that it has low cortisol and exhausted adrenals.

You can read about what you can do to support your adrenals Adrenal Fatigue

Something that will help Adrenal Fatigue

What about Adrenal Exhaustion?   Here is a product by Dr. Eric Berg that is designed for Adrenal Exhaustion 

Check them out.

Antibiotics – natural or not?

How did “antibiotics” so freely dispensed come about?

Well, Alexander Fleming, Scottish physician, biologist, pharmacologist and botanist returned from holiday on September 3, 1928, he looked at his petri dishes containing colonies of Staphylococcus, bacteria that cause boils, sore throats and abscesses  He found something unusual on one dish. It was dotted with colonies, save for one area where some mold was growing. The zone immediately around the mold (later identified as a rare strain of Penicillium notatum) was clear, the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth.  He found it was capable of killing a wide range of harmful bacteria.  And thus, Penicillan was created.  It was not till 1941 that it was developed enough to be used on a human.

It is now 76 years later, do we use anything other than mold, which is a type of fungus actually, and ….. well, the basis of the “modern” day antibiotics is still mold.

Now, even the CDC is telling people to look for fungus when the body is not getting well through standard medical treatment.

So, do you take these chemical antibiotics/mold or do you find something natural.  There is a host of things you could be taking.

See: What is an Antibiotic with a list of natural antibiotics.

What is Marijuana? Does it help?

Ever since marijuana was legalized, I’ve received a lot of emails regarding its use especially for neuropathy pain?  It is almost as if it isn’t really a drug and it will help their problem rather then medical drug pain killers.

My first response is that a problems with evaluating this drug are the inconsistent dosing and quality-control issues.  

It is a drug and like all drugs has side effects.

Here is something put together by the Foundation for a Drug Free World that I found informative

The Truth About Marijuana