The 8 Nutritional Challenges Facing Athletes


MCVitamins has been looking for supplements that work well for athletes and actually anyone who want to be fit. The below is what my research discovered

Read on……

Athletes face 8 nutritional challenges. Their bodies work harder and need good nutrition. What are the all-natural solutions?

Athletes want to enhance their performance. Nature provides us with the most effective and powerful choices.

The choice becomes clearer when you compare the long term muscle fitness and health building effects of whole food and nutritional supplements versus the well-documented health issues often associated with the artificial methods.

What is the needed nutrition that is the most proven and effective choice for enhancing performance – without breaking rules, laws, or endangering your body!

What are the Challenges?

The 8 challenges area as follow:

Core Nutrition
Muscle Building
Reaction Time
Hormone Balance

All these challenges must be met in order to enhance the ability to excel.

What are our recommendations?   Athlete Challenges and why we recommend them.

How is your Metabolism?

This seems to be an attention getter, even for younger people let along menopausal women or older men. Find out what can easily help this is what MCVitamins found and which really works. We tried it as well and the first thing noticed is really good sleep…. the list of benefits goes on.

If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions. This also means you have an increased risk of a serious health condition, such as cardiovascular disease. If you have 3 or more factors this is commonly referred to as Metabolic Syndrome and your risk increases even more. You are not alone.

Metabolic Syndrome is increasingly common and up to 30% of U.S. adults have it and about 44% of people over 50 years of age are affected by it. Every 5 seconds someone is diagnosed with a condition caused by metabolic disorder and every 10 seconds somebody dies from a metabolic health issue. It is one of the most important health challenges we currently face.

Do you want a Healthier Metabolism?

Improving Metabolism

How You Can Benefit from Taking a B-Complex?

B-complex vitamin deficiencies occur far more easily and frequently than has been generally assumed, especially in people on weight loss diets, fasts, high daily intakes of sugar, refined and processed foods, as well as, caffeine, saccharine and alcohol.

People under stress or on a long list of medications can also be at high risk of developing B vitamin deficiencies.

RHP B-Complex Plus is now available.

The Plus is adaptogens. Adaptogens are natural substances that work with a person’s body and helps them adapt; most notably, to stress.

To get more information and order the RHP B-Complex Plus