Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

health benefits of elderberryI heard a commerical for a drug that was designed to stop a virus from replicating.   Really, I thought, why not just use elderberry.   I knew that was what elderberry did.

Next time I went to the Market at the Oyler’s Organic Farms, I remembered that they had elderberry syrup for sale.  I bought some.   Then some how after taking it I realized my tree pollen allergy got so much better that I hardly remembered I had that allergy.  Hmm.

So I did some checking on all the things that elderberry has in it vitamin wise and all the benefits it has for your health.

Read:  Elderberry (yes, I even included the trials on how elderberry stops any virus from replicating)


What about Cardiac Arrythmias – What can be done?

An arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, is a problem with the rate or rhythem of your heartbeat. Your heart may beat too quickly, too slowly, or with an irregular rhythm. It is normal for your heart rate to speed up during physical activity and to slow down while resting or sleeping.

A cardiac arrhythmia is a common heart problem that can be triggered by many factors. An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm, which can lead to many different health issues.

Find out what nutrition will help these problems.

Cardiac Arrhythmia