Could your health problems be a non-alcoholic Fatty Liver?

fatty liver Not all fatty livers are caused by alcohol.  There are so many other reasons that you might have a fatty liver.  Toxins of all kinds create a problem.

The liver is the major organ for detoxification. It detoxifies, by metabolizing and/or secreting the toxins out of the body.  A damaged fatty liver does not work to do its job.

Think of all the problems that can be created when your body can’t metabolize food, supplements, etc.  nor able to detoxify viruses, fungus or bacteria.

Learn about a Fatty Liver and decide what to do next.

Thyroid Problems and Thyroid Health – what is the cause?

thyroid healthMetabolism refers to the rate or speed at which, or the degree to which, the body breaks down food and changes it into living tissue and energy. Metabolism is controlled by hormones

What can slow down this process?

It’s NOT Really Your Thyroid?

What many people don’t realize is that the majority of hypothyroid issues are not primary conditions. What this means is that the condition has an underlying “other” source that causes it.

The key to improving the thyroid is to find the real root of the problem. This article will take a brief look at a couple of common causes of an underactive thyroid.

Read;  Thyroid Problems, Symptoms and Thyroid Health

Give your liver the support it deserves!

inflammed liver to detoxYour liver is the most hardworking organ in your body, filtering out toxins, producing bile, and breaking down fats every day. But did you know that it can become overworked and may need some extra support to continue functioning at its best?

That’s why we’re excited to introduce you to Liver Cleanse Detox Repair Support, which is specially designed with high-quality ingredients.

This fantastic formula contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that work together to give you the support you need

But don’t just take our word for it.

Here’s what one of our satisfied customers had to say

I felt like a new person. My digestion improved, my energy levels skyrocketed, and my skin looked clearer than ever before. I highly recommend this product to anyone looking to support their liver health.”


Find out more about this product:

Liver Cleanse Detox Repair Support

Digestion Problems – Is it your Stomach or Liver?

There are many people who complain about digestive problems. They take all sorts of prescription medications and over the counter remedies.   They take natural products as well.  It has a lot of people’s attention.

If people burp or feel nausea, they usually blame their stomach and sometimes just decide it’s too much acid and take an anti-acid tablet.

There is something to understand – If it was the correct reason, you could solve it.   If the problem keeps happening, it’s probably the wrong reason and thus you don’t have a correct solution.   If you take a remedy and it doesn’t solve the problem, you need to find out more.   You need more information.

I’ve posted a video in our newsletter that talks about the gallbladder – BUT – there is a lot of good information about your digestive system and how it works that might give you a better insight into what is happening with you.   Do watch it.   You and Your Gallbladder.