Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

health benefits of elderberryI heard a commerical for a drug that was designed to stop a virus from replicating.   Really, I thought, why not just use elderberry.   I knew that was what elderberry did.

Next time I went to the Market at the Oyler’s Organic Farms, I remembered that they had elderberry syrup for sale.  I bought some.   Then some how after taking it I realized my tree pollen allergy got so much better that I hardly remembered I had that allergy.  Hmm.

So I did some checking on all the things that elderberry has in it vitamin wise and all the benefits it has for your health.

Read:  Elderberry (yes, I even included the trials on how elderberry stops any virus from replicating)


Strengthen your Immune System for a Better Immune Response Beta Glucans

You might have an overactive immune system resulting in allergies, arthritis, gut problems etc et.

Or you might have heath conditions that might weaken your immune system.

What can help to strengthen your immune system response.

You can read about Immunity and Your Immune System and get educated about Immunity.

BUT especially read about Beta Glucans (Including links to the scientific studies about Beta Glucan

Why do you want to eat right?

Most people are told to eat a healthy diet, etc., but what is the underlying reason..  A lot of people say to lose weight and be healthy,  others to protect themselves from “germs” or “disease”.

The “germ theory” says that we have to protect ourselves from the virus infections or bacterial infections or other “germs”.thus, the idea is that you have to take  certain vitamins, herbs or minerals that will protect you  from these “germs” and thus disease.

However, a much better viewpoint is that if the body is healthy, that “terrain” can not be invaded by “germs”,   There is no place for them to infect.    Do you know what a virus has variants?   Because they alter things so they can find a way to work themselves into an ailing body.    They are trying to survive.   Variants spread easier, but are always weaker.

I think its easier to have a healthy body which is resistant to any “germ” that might be trying to invade it.

You can read more about this

 Why is what we Eat So Important?

Autoimmune Diseases – So many drug commercials

Do you turn off the drug commercials on TV?

It is interesting as the majority of these commercials fall currently under three categories migraine, psych drugs (and their side effect tardive dyskinesia and autoimmune diseases.. None of these drugs go to the cause of the problem and are just band aids that come with side effects

I like to talk about them all but the one that i notice the most are the autoimmune medications. The ones about you skin being clear, or your arthritis, or IBS or….. All of which are autoimmune problems.

And what they are selling is a medication which lowers your immune response, thus lowers your immunity.    Per Drugs.com….. “affects your immune system. You may get infections more easily:. The ad on TV states you may be unable to fight infections

Yes, and one says it lowers the large amount of eosinophils – which are white blood cells. So the disease creates a strong immune response, but the medication lowers it.

Now interestingly, there is apparently a “link” with autoimmune and migraine per studies and research done.

We will address migraines in another article as well as tardive dyskinesia which is actually a side effect of the drugs they give for “mental health”. TD as they now call it, is connected with a lack of B12. Yes we will get to that article as well.

But autoimmune seems to be the number one target …people do suffer from the itchy, blotchy skin problems as well as digestive problems, etc. all of which are really autoimmune problems.

To address these issues – build health.



And see our index on Educate Yourself and Take Control of your Health

We have found a great education course that will teach you the basics of nutrition so you can apply it to your diet and the diet of your family.
Eat Well Nutritional Education Course – How to Build Health 

Chicken Soup when You’re Sick

Okay, what is it about chicken soup that feels good when you’re sick?  Grandma and Mom were right — a bowl of chicken soup does make you feel better when you are sick.

Why this remedy?

Well, chicken soap contains cysteine, an amino acid that’s chemically similar to a bronchitis drug to help reduce inflammation. The broth also helps thin mucus, and the protein in the chicken helps you produce disease-fighting antibodies. It also contains zinc which has been called “nature’s penicillin”

Read More

Sinusitis and It’s Relief [Updated]

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses.   

A sinus is a cavity (air chamber) within the bone. These are four sets of open spaces within the bones of the skull.   They are above the eyes (frontal sinuses), to either side of the nose inside the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), behind the bridge of the nose (sphenoid sinuses) and in the upper nose (ethmoid sinuses).  

Read the entire article Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Inflammation of the Nasal Sinuses


Stress and Your Immune System

Seems like one of the big stressors lately is the Covid flu.   The confusing reports that change and the fear of getting sick can really stress a person.

There is on thing that we know works on infections – a healthy immune system.  I don’t hear this being promoted by the experts (and its been a year)  but it seems the right way to go.

Here is something on stress and a link to our page on Immunity.

Effects of Stress on Your Immune System Important when a pandemic is being addressed.

A Healthy Immune System.

Masks & Skin Inflammation and Bacterial exposure due to wearing them

Whether you agree with the wearing of masks or not, you are often required to wear them to work for 8 hours, or when you visit a store.

Without the controversy there is another situation, many people develop skin trouble from wearing a mask (especially those prone to acne & skin problems)

There is a solution to the skin inflammation.Here is an article regarding this: Natural Skin Repair Solution for Maskne


Bacteria Infections – This is part of the problem, no doubt, but there is a situation (and more controversy) regarding bacterial infection from breathing in a mask.

We will find out more information on this, but meanwhile, please don’t wear a mask more than one day before changing to a new mask which has just been washed.

One of the scary thoughts is geting a bacterial infection in your lungs and then being exposed to the flu with already weakened lungs from a bacterial infection. So if you wear a mask, keep it clean and bacteria free.

More next week.