Neuropathy? Supplements that Can Ease Your Symptoms

What can you take that will ease the symptoms of unhealthy nerves while not giving you side effects?    I’m sure you’ve read all different ads to take this or that to fix the problem.   Well here are some of the supplements that will help  including a new approach to helping the pain that you may feel.

Read the article that lists the various supplements that will Ease Your Symptoms


How the Medical System was Corrupted

This write up is by a friend which talks about the change over the years from plant medicine to chemical medicine.    Here is what he says:

“Just a century ago, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, 100 homeopathic hospitals, and over 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies. Boston University, Stanford University, and New York Medical College all taught homeopathy.

This all changed due to the Flexnor Report — officially known as Medical Education in the United States and Canada — in 1910. The report was an attempt to align medical education under a set of norms that emphasized laboratory research and the patenting of medicine. The report was funded by John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, among others.

Rockefeller and Carnegie offered grants to the best medical schools in America — with a caveat: only an allopathic-based curriculum could be taught. Thus, Rockefeller and Carnegie systematically dismantled the courses of these schools by removing any mention of the natural healing power of herbs and plants, or of the importance of diet to health.

Rockefeller used his power to influence Congress into declaring the AMA (American Medical Association) the only body with the right to grant medical school licenses in the United States. This suited Rockefeller perfectly – he then used the AMA to compel the Government to destroy the natural competition, which it did through regulating medical schools.

After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding and fear mongering/smear campaigns against natural remedies.

The result is a system which churns out doctors who are deficient in nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic knowledge and who disregard the idea that what you eat can actually heal or hurt you.

While physicians encourage patients to make healthy food choices, only 27 percent of U.S. medical schools actually offer students the recommended 25 hours of nutritional training, according to a perspective piece in the July 2015 issue of Academic Medicine. The word “nutrition” is not included in board examination requirements for internal medicine certification, and cardiology fellows do not need to complete a single requirement in nutrition counseling.

I truly believe that homeopathy is our best hope at undoing all that has been done to us.

Being healthy is the truest form of rebellion, let’s devote this time before winter comes to nourishing, building up, and gaining wisdom in how to rebel against our pharma handlers.”

I agree except that not only homepathy, but plant medicine like herbs and essential oils work well and have worked for thousands of years.   And add to that a good chemical free, diet works wonders to build health.

Medication Side Effects and Nutritional Deficiencies

Ever listen to a drug commercial and their disclaimer at the end where they tell you all the possible side effects.   Or did you ever check on the potential side effects of a drug you are taking on one of the sites or ? You might wonder what can create so many problems.

Well, it is true that a drug is a chemical that is unnatural to the body and is actually a toxin to the body, but due to those very properties they force the body to make some corrections, or at the very least cover up the symptoms of whatever it is that is a problem.

Read the Article  Medication Side Effects and Nutritional Deficiencies


Do you take herbs for Neuropathy?

I’ve have found at least four different neuropathy products claiming to repair nerves, or handle neuropathy symptoms, that contain herbs.  I’ve written about herbs before as they aren’t nutrients that the body needs to grow and repair itself (ie. protein, vitamins, minerals, etc). They act like drugs in so far as they force the body to do something it normally doesn’t do.  It is also hard to determine the strength of the herb you are taking as they aren’t like the herbs you drink in tea or put on your salad, they are extracts and thus you don’t really know the quality or strength of what you are taking.

Herbs may relieve the symptoms of neuropathy, but relief in the sense that they cover up the symptoms and you have to keep taking the herbs to get that relief.  They don’t go to the cause of the problem.

Herbs also have side effects and can’t be taken with different medications.

First, if you are on medications and want to take any herbal remedy, please go to your pharmacist.  The pharmacies have a database to check whether the drug and the herb will conflict.

Here is an article with a list of the many herbs touted for neuropathy.  It talks about side effects and how long you can safely take them.

There is a link on this page to an article about the problem of taking herbs for neuropathy and that page has a link to a video by a pharmacist telling you how to take herbs safely if you want to. to. She talks about taking one at a time so you can judge what the herb is doing for you.

But rather than tell you what she says you can go directly to the page where you can find it Taking Herbs 

Effects of Stress on the Immune System, what you can do.

Stress has emotional and physical consequences. Most of us are familiar with feeling some degree of anxiety when we face a stressful situation. However, the physical effects of stress are not as well known.

As we need to rise to meet a challenge, a little stress in life can be inspiring, but if life or a life event exceeds our capacity to cope, it can cause emotional and physical problems.

Stress prompts the body to release cortisol, the primary hormone of tension in the body. Increased blood cortisol levels change how our body’s immune system reacts to infections. Long-term and chronic stress leads to persistently elevated cortisol levels. The presence of cortisol in the bloodstream for a prolonged period reduces the effectiveness of the immune system by reducing the white blood cell count.

These effects result in chronic infections, chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases, cancers, and other physiological disorders.

As the pandemic continues, many individuals have encountered more stress than usual. Nearly 8 in 10 adults suggest a significant cause of stress in their lives is the coronavirus pandemic.

Why does bad news often precede illnesses, coughs, and common colds?

Bad news causes us to feel stressed, which in turn weakens the immune system. So, we are even more vulnerable to germs we are exposed to at that moment and we often become sick.

Health conditions due to long-term exposure to stress

The National Institutes of Health says that continued stress on your body from everyday triggers is often the most difficult to identify but could lead to serious health issues such as:

● Heart disease

● Diabetes

● High Blood Pressure

● Cancer.

Studies also uncovered many other stress-related health concerns, such as the risk of obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, stomach disorders, and asthma, which tends to worsen or increase due to stress.

What Can You Do?

For a long and healthy life, it’s vital to focus on supporting your immune system on an ongoing basis. One of the best ways to do this is with natural, powerful immune system boosters contained in camel milk.

In the serum of camel milk, a completely new class of immunoglobulin has been discovered, which is fundamentally different from all other previously known antibody classes. Cameloid Immunoglobulins (only found in camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, and guanacos) are used by the immune system for easy and quick targeting of foreign substances. This is one of the ways camel milk strengthens and supports the gastrointestinal immune system.

Learn more about Camel Milk

Opioid Use and Abuse – The Opioid Epidemic

Opioids are drugs that were created to work on the nervous system to relieve pain. They were designed for short term use. Continued use of only a few weeks can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop.

In the late 1990s, the pharmaceutical companies who created these drugs reassured the medical community that patients would not become addicted to prescription opioid pain relievers, and the medical doctors began to prescribe them at greater rates.

This assurance led to widespread use and misuse of these medications. It has now become clear that these medications could indeed be highly addictive.

Read the full article on Opioid Crisis

Antibiotics – natural or not?

How did “antibiotics” so freely dispensed come about?

Well, Alexander Fleming, Scottish physician, biologist, pharmacologist and botanist returned from holiday on September 3, 1928, he looked at his petri dishes containing colonies of Staphylococcus, bacteria that cause boils, sore throats and abscesses  He found something unusual on one dish. It was dotted with colonies, save for one area where some mold was growing. The zone immediately around the mold (later identified as a rare strain of Penicillium notatum) was clear, the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth.  He found it was capable of killing a wide range of harmful bacteria.  And thus, Penicillan was created.  It was not till 1941 that it was developed enough to be used on a human.

It is now 76 years later, do we use anything other than mold, which is a type of fungus actually, and ….. well, the basis of the “modern” day antibiotics is still mold.

Now, even the CDC is telling people to look for fungus when the body is not getting well through standard medical treatment.

So, do you take these chemical antibiotics/mold or do you find something natural.  There is a host of things you could be taking.

See: What is an Antibiotic with a list of natural antibiotics.