Can’t Stay Asleep? Study Findings Say “Eat More Fruits + Veggies”

Fruits and vegetables for sleep.According to experts, healthy adults should sleep between seven and nine hours per night. After noticing a rise in people with insomnia and those getting too little sleep, researchers in Finland examined the correlation between fruit and vegetable consumption and its impact on sleep—revealing a strong association.

For their study, researchers looked at data from 5,043 adults aged 18 and older participating in the National FinHealth 2017 Study. For the study, participants shared their sleep duration and dietary intake of fruits and vegetables. The researchers also looked at other factors such as socioeconomic status and demographics. They also used a sensitivity analysis to exclude “energy under-reporters” to remove that variable.

The researchers compared the average amount of fruits and vegetables eaten by people with different sleep durations—short sleepers (averaging 6 hours per night), normal (averaging 7.7 hours per night), and long (averaging 10.1 hours per night). They found that short sleepers consumed 37 fewer grams of fruits and vegetables a day than normal sleepers and long sleepers consumed 73 grams less per day. Plus, that correlation held true with a variety of statistical models.

Given the strong link between fruit and vegetable consumption and sleep duration, the researchers emphasized the importance of looking at lifestyle variables when treating sleep disorders. They also recommend focusing on the fruit and vegetable groups with the strongest association, such as leafy greens.


Do you need to find out what to do for heathy eating.   There is a program to educate you. There’s a lot of false information out there about nutrition. Find out the true, science-based facts that will allow you to take control of your health.  Go to Eat Well Nutritional Educational Course to get educated.


Introducing Purelife Care+

This natural nutritional supplement that works at the cellular level to improve metabolism and gut health, thereby reducing insulin resistance and inflammation.

PureLife Care + is based on scientific studies, there are special natural ingredients that have been found to support an optimum metabolism. Due to the quality of food available today, most people are deficient in the vitamins and minerals needed by the body for optimal health.  With all these positive nutritional effects of PureLife Care+ you will notice a difference in your health.

What makes Purelife Care+ Different from other Supplements?

Have you ever found a supplement that you felt was going to improve your health, or help your health challenge. and found it didn’t work? But the ingredients seem so right for this problem?

Unfortunately, many supplements do not provide the hoped-for nutritional benefits because the ingredients never make it to the cells where the nutrition is needed to improve health.

The effectiveness of natural nutrition depends on how quickly and efficiently the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and how easily the nutritional elements can pass across every cell membrane, access target sites within the cells, be absorbed, and interact with all the relevant enzymes and other cellular components to create their health enhancing abilities.

Purelife Care+, the result of 27 years of research, offers the solution to this problem because it contains ERDS™, which are natural ingredients that enhance absorption of the important nutrition by the cells.

ERDS improves the amount of absorption of nutrients by 300% and the speed of absorption by 500% so the needed nutrition reaches the cells and you get the results you want.

It contains special, natural ingredients that help to support good overall health. It can be helpful to consume these ingredients all in one supplement and PureLife Care+ has that.

You can learn more and Order at PureLife Care+

Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

health benefits of elderberryI heard a commerical for a drug that was designed to stop a virus from replicating.   Really, I thought, why not just use elderberry.   I knew that was what elderberry did.

Next time I went to the Market at the Oyler’s Organic Farms, I remembered that they had elderberry syrup for sale.  I bought some.   Then some how after taking it I realized my tree pollen allergy got so much better that I hardly remembered I had that allergy.  Hmm.

So I did some checking on all the things that elderberry has in it vitamin wise and all the benefits it has for your health.

Read:  Elderberry (yes, I even included the trials on how elderberry stops any virus from replicating)


Why is improving metabolism important?

Metabolism Definition:  Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemicalimproving your metabolism process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease.   Thus, improving metabolism is a health goal.

If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions.

Read more about improving metabolism and what to take to improve your health.

Thyroid Problems and Thyroid Health – what is the cause?

thyroid healthMetabolism refers to the rate or speed at which, or the degree to which, the body breaks down food and changes it into living tissue and energy. Metabolism is controlled by hormones

What can slow down this process?

It’s NOT Really Your Thyroid?

What many people don’t realize is that the majority of hypothyroid issues are not primary conditions. What this means is that the condition has an underlying “other” source that causes it.

The key to improving the thyroid is to find the real root of the problem. This article will take a brief look at a couple of common causes of an underactive thyroid.

Read;  Thyroid Problems, Symptoms and Thyroid Health

WARNING Signs of Dementia by Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.

WARNING Signs of Dementia by Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.

Mental DeclineDementia is a mental decline. Certain parts of the brain are actually shrinking—specifically the hippocampus.

6 early signs of dementia:

1. Difficulty organizing and planning things

2. Personality changes

3. Constipation

4. Sensory dysfunction

5. Language problems

6. Problems navigating

If you think you’re showing early signs of dementia, it’s best to act now. Don’t wait until it becomes a bigger problem.

Important things you can do right now:

1. Take vitamin B1 (nutritional yeast)

2. Fix the gut (consume a variety of vegetables, get on a low-carb diet, consume organic foods, and do fasting)

3. Consume sprouts (broccoli sprouts)

4. Generate ketones (do intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting and take MCT oil or exogenous ketones)

5. Consume ginkgo biloba

6. Consume lion’s mane mushroom

7. Consume omega-3 fatty acidsvitamin D, and zinc, and get plenty of exercise and sleep.



Strengthen your Immune System for a Better Immune Response Beta Glucans

You might have an overactive immune system resulting in allergies, arthritis, gut problems etc et.

Or you might have heath conditions that might weaken your immune system.

What can help to strengthen your immune system response.

You can read about Immunity and Your Immune System and get educated about Immunity.

BUT especially read about Beta Glucans (Including links to the scientific studies about Beta Glucan

Two Trace Minerals Linked to Living to 100 Years Old

Researchers are always interested in what helps people to increase their life expectancy, including what nutrients might help us to get to old age. There was one study done that looked to determine the link between trace minerals and living a healthy, long lif

The whole story is now included in this article about Trace Minerals

What Stops You from Reaching your Health Goals?

Gut=brain axis and health
Gut brain connection, dysbiosis and microbiome. Normal and abnormal microbiota. Enteric nervous system, intestine anatomy. Signals from brain to digestive tract. Colon and cerebrum vector illustration

You can have a great diet.   You can take first rate supplements,

BUT if your gut isn’t working right, you don’t get the benefits.

Bottom Line is that you need to build healthy digestion,  If your digestion isn’t up to par, you won’t be able to use the nutrition to create health.

The Gut-Brain Axis is the communication system between the brain and the trillions of bacteria and enzymes living within our intestines – our gut microbiome.

So, improve your gut and you improve your brain, your digestion, your nerves,  your immune system.

This is the most important scientific discovery for human healthcare in recent decades.

Read:  How the Gut-Brain Axis Effects Your Health