Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy

I’ve often noticed a similarity between the symptoms of fibromyalgia and neuropathy.  I even knew someone who was diabnosed as having fibromyalgia who tried the remedy for neuropathy (WSN Nerve Support Formula) with good results.  I thought at the time that maybe she was misdiagnosed and really had neuropathy

Recently there was a study done on some people with small fiber poly neuropathy and half of them were found to have neuropathy.

Here is an article on Fibromyalgia which talks about these studies later in the article, and has a link to the actual study.

It would be nice to know that some people can get relief from their fibromyalgia by addressing it as neuropathy.    I know how debilitating fibromyalgia can be,

Too Much Cortisol or Too Little? What about your Adrenals?

When the body is on constant alert as it thinks its in a non-survival situation, it creates a lot of cortisol – the flight or fight hormone.   But what happens when your body has been doing that for so long that it has low cortisol and exhausted adrenals.

You can read about what you can do to support your adrenals Adrenal Fatigue

Something that will help Adrenal Fatigue

What about Adrenal Exhaustion?   Here is a product by Dr. Eric Berg that is designed for Adrenal Exhaustion 

Check them out.

Does Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Feel Worse in the Holiday Season?

Have you noticed it yourself?  Whatever it is that you were doing that was helping, doesn’t seem to work.   What changed?   Is it the weather?

Have you noticed that your diet changes after Thanksgiving?   Thanksgiving is an  eating holiday followed by pies, desserts and Christmas cookies. Most religions have holidays at this time of the year and celebrate the same way – with food.

Are you now eating more often with friends and attending parties (with friends and at work)?

So what does this have to do with neuropathy?

Here is an article that will give you a good idea.  Slow down Building Healthy Nerves