Autoimmune Diseases – So many drug commercials

Do you turn off the drug commercials on TV?

It is interesting as the majority of these commercials fall currently under three categories migraine, psych drugs (and their side effect tardive dyskinesia and autoimmune diseases.. None of these drugs go to the cause of the problem and are just band aids that come with side effects

I like to talk about them all but the one that i notice the most are the autoimmune medications. The ones about you skin being clear, or your arthritis, or IBS or….. All of which are autoimmune problems.

And what they are selling is a medication which lowers your immune response, thus lowers your immunity.    Per….. “affects your immune system. You may get infections more easily:. The ad on TV states you may be unable to fight infections

Yes, and one says it lowers the large amount of eosinophils – which are white blood cells. So the disease creates a strong immune response, but the medication lowers it.

Now interestingly, there is apparently a “link” with autoimmune and migraine per studies and research done.

We will address migraines in another article as well as tardive dyskinesia which is actually a side effect of the drugs they give for “mental health”. TD as they now call it, is connected with a lack of B12. Yes we will get to that article as well.

But autoimmune seems to be the number one target …people do suffer from the itchy, blotchy skin problems as well as digestive problems, etc. all of which are really autoimmune problems.

To address these issues – build health.



There is also some studies linking toxins and auto  immune 

And see our index on Educate Yourself and Take Control of your Health

We have found a great education course that will teach you the basics of nutrition so you can apply it to your diet and the diet of your family.
Understanding Nutrition Education Course – How to Build Health 

Do you feel comfortable in your own skin?

I’ve seen  so many commercials for medications that will give clear skin.   And it is all about suppressing the immune system so your body doesn’t react and create the skin problems.   Of course, the side effects one of which is listed

“Using Skyrizi could raise your risk of getting a serious infection. This is because Skyrizi can weaken your immune system, which lowers your body’s defenses against infection.”

And, I’m sure there are many more problems where the body is creating skin problems

Do you want to discover the underlying cause of skin problems and what you can do.

See Skin Inflammation

GOLO & Insulin Resistance?

There are a lot of commercials about insulin resistance stopping a person from losing weight…. something about fat becoming trapped inside your body?

Well, the GOLO does have ingredients in it that you will find for plant medicine that helps insulin resistance and diabetes.  They don’t mention in the ads that insulin resistance is also pre-diabetes.

I think if they use insulin resistance that they should also educate people on what it mens.

So, here is a link to what is Insulin Resistance

Did you see the commercial about “no hormones”?

it’s all about celebrating finding an IUD that has absolutely no hormones?

Huh?   Its a dance routine where they are prancing around, liking a dog in a carriage instead of a baby and flirting – because……. an IUD with no hormones.

However, they also say it has copper.   Not sure why this is new as there have been copper infused IUDs for maybe 40 years or so.    And IUDs can give you heavier periods and menstrual cramps worse.  It also isn’t recommended for women who are, or might be, allergic to copper, or women who have Wilson’s disease.

But then again, no mention of having this copper IUD in your body — I’ve heard a lot about the dangers of having mercury in your teeth, but copper is okay?

Certain liver or kidney conditions that prevent you from properly metabolizing copper can also expose you to copper toxicity, even if you’re not exposed to copper contamination.   There might be other reasons that will contribute to copper toxcity.

Do your homework before deciding about “no hormones”.

If you love “no hormones” then you should know the symptoms of copper toxicity.

  • headaches
  • fever
  • passing out
  • feeling sick
  • throwing up
  • blood in your vomit
  • diarrhea
  • black poop
  • abdominal cramps
  • brown ring-shaped markings in your eyes (Kayser-Fleischer rings)
  • yellowing of eyes and skin (jaundice)
  • feeling anxious or irritable
  • having trouble paying attention
  • feeling overexcited or overwhelmed
  • feeling unusually sad or depressed
  • sudden changes in your mood


Can’t Sleep?

8 Different Reasons for Poor Sleep by Dr. Eric Berg

We all know how a night of restless sleep makes us groggy, tired, or even difficult to be around. But there’s even more that’s affected from your memory and your metabolism to your blood sugars. To help get over your lack of sleep, I have eight different reasons for why you might be sleeping poorly and how to finally get a good night’s rest.

See Dr. Berg on Poor Sleep

Tired of tossing and turning at night? The problem might be that your body temperature is hotter than what it should be. Here’s how sleeping in a colder room will raise your melatonin levels to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

Problem of Temperature

Can’t Sleep?

8 Different Reasons for Poor Sleep by Dr. Eric Berg

We all know how a night of restless sleep makes us groggy, tired, or even difficult to be around. But there’s even more that’s affected from your memory and your metabolism to your blood sugars. To help get over your lack of sleep, I have eight different reasons for why you might be sleeping poorly and how to finally get a good night’s rest.

See Dr. Berg on Poor Sleep

Tired of tossing and turning at night? The problem might be that your body temperature is hotter than what it should be. Here’s how sleeping in a colder room will raise your melatonin levels to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

Problem of Temperature


What is Beta-Glucan and How Does it Support Better Health?

Beta-glucan is one form of soluble dietary fiber that’s strongly linked to improving cholesterol levels, boosting heart health and immunity.

Beta-glucans form a natural component of the cell walls of bacteria and fungi, and cereals such as oats, barley and baker’s yeast.

Beta-glucan was discovered in the 1940s when Dr. Louis Pillemer discovered a substance that had immune activating properties. He called it Zymosan. While it did stimulate non-specific immunity response, it was made up of a relatively crude composition of various molecular structures.

Years later, research by Dr. Nicholas DiLuzio at Tulane University isolated the actual immune activating structure, called Beta-1,3-D-Glucan. In the 1970s, medical studies began on humans.

Many health researchers consider beta-glucans to be one of the most effective immune enhancing substances ever discovered.

The health benefits of beta-glucans are well known, documented and include:

  1. Supporting the innate immune system, which is the body’s first line of defense against illness and disease.
  2. Providing antioxidant properties to fight against free radical damage to cells and tissues.
  3. Helping to inhibit glycation, which is a process where an excess sugar molecule combines with an excess protein molecule and produces tremendous amounts of damaging free radicals
  4. Enhancing control of blood sugar and promoting reduction of the glycemic index.
  5. Reducing inflammation in cells and body tissues.

Most people have a compromised immune system these days due to the quality of food available, sugar in their diet, environmental toxins and ongoing daily stress. A compromised immune system “opens the door” to a range of acute illnesses, such as colds and flu, and more serious chronic, degenerative diseases.

Sugar has been Shown to Decrease Immunity by up to 50% for 6 Hours

This figure comes from a Loma Linda University study. But here’s the worst part: Since there is sugar in practically everything we eat on a daily basis, there’s a good chance you are operating with only 50% of your immunity most of the time.

The good news is that beta-glucans are available in supplement form to promote a stronger immune system and better health.

You can get the extra immune system protection you need by using the potent beta-glucans formulation, Immune Defense. Immune Defense contains 1,953 mg of beta-glucans, which is up to 2 times more beta-glucans than in most other brands. Immune Defense also utilizes natural Cellinfusion Technology which enhances the absorption of the beta-glucans 3.4 times to give you better results and better value for money.

Government GMO food label coming soon

Should You Care About the Government’s new “Bioengineered” GMO Food Label?

Starting January 2022, some grocery store foods will begin featuring a statement or a symbol indicating that they contain “Bioengineered” ingredients. This labeling law — called by critics the DARK Act when it passed, Denying Americans the Right to Know — is the U.S. government’s solution to informing the public about foods that contain GMOs.

Unfortunately, the law is not a sufficient way to keep GMOs out of your shopping cart. For starters, it largely does not address new types of GMOs, nor meat and dairy products that come from animals fed GMOs

Learn more about the “BE Food” label, and why the Butterfly is still the most trusted and rigorous seal for true GMO avoidance!

What You Need To Know About Bioengineered (BE) Food Labeling

Do you know what GMO really means?

Things You Can Do to Help Neuropathy

The first thing you need to know about neuropathy is it is nerve damage. The second thing you need to know is that B vitamins are needed by the body to build healthy nerves.

In order to see an improvement in your neuropathy you need to find out what will burn up B vitamins and thus slow your progress. It a matter of math, if you are using things that uses up the B vitamins, you need more of the B vitamins to make progress.

Drinking a lot of coffee, tea and soft drinks (including de-caffeinated coffee, tea and soft drinks) cause……..

See Thing you Should Do….