Advanced Help to Create Healthy Nerves Again

For most people, the ingredients in the Nerve Support with Benfotiamine provides enough nutritional support to get them the changes and results they are looking for to build nerve health.

Some people may need additional nutritional support to get those same changes and results.

Some people have trouble using Folic Acid (B9) and need the natural type of B9 or Folate.  

Added ingredients give these people what they need.

Read  Nerve Support with Benfotiamine – by Dr. Eric Berg

A Success Story from a Girl with Stage IV Lung Cancer

I had a relative die from this disease.   She spent 15 months fighting it through a lot of nausea, dizziness, etc. etc. etc.   Besides the chemo, they had her on 12 different drugs and a local drug store version of B12.   She was announced cancer free on New Years and by March, I thought she had really beat it and was ready to say – I guess this works.  Okay, she was now in a wheelchair, but she was alive and sounded really good.   Then her body crashed – how many chemicals can the body metabolize – and died shortly after.

Then I found out a friend had the same disease.  Sigh.  But instead of chemo she took off to Hungry for a group called “Hope Floats”   I could go on about what a great treatment this is, but thought I’d just let my friend talk for herself and for them.

Here is her story – Success Using an Alternative Treatment

Sinusitis and It’s Relief [Updated]

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses.   

A sinus is a cavity (air chamber) within the bone. These are four sets of open spaces within the bones of the skull.   They are above the eyes (frontal sinuses), to either side of the nose inside the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), behind the bridge of the nose (sphenoid sinuses) and in the upper nose (ethmoid sinuses).  

Read the entire article Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Inflammation of the Nasal Sinuses


Burning, Numbness and Tingling in the Upper Thigh

People do have these symptoms and it is all because of a single nerve that can get compressed, pinched and eventually damaged.   It has a name Meralgia paresthetica (also called Bernhardt Roth Syndrome)   And quite often it is created by wearing skinny jeans.   There are other reasons and its not just women.  In fact, apparently men get it more often than women.

Rather then going all through the information of this – read our article at this link  Meralgia paresthetica

Stress and Your Immune System

Seems like one of the big stressors lately is the Covid flu.   The confusing reports that change and the fear of getting sick can really stress a person.

There is on thing that we know works on infections – a healthy immune system.  I don’t hear this being promoted by the experts (and its been a year)  but it seems the right way to go.

Here is something on stress and a link to our page on Immunity.

Effects of Stress on Your Immune System Important when a pandemic is being addressed.

A Healthy Immune System.

Nutritional Support for Your Cat’s Healthy Blood Sugars

Your cat is most often one of your closest friends and it can be very hard on both you and your cat when he or she has nutritional deficiencies.  Feline nutritional deficiencies can bring an incredible amount of stress into a cat owner’s life.

Here is some information for addressing the nutritional condition itself and helping the cat owner to maintain their cat’s normal healthy blood sugar levels naturally.

Read about Your Cat’s Health

What is Reflux, GERD and Heartburn?

Have you ever suffered from heartburn, felt acid in your throat or having had this repeatedly told you you had a disease called GERD?   GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Where you told that your stomach had too much acid and given antiacid medications?  Did it work?

Where you told that it was due to a problem with the valve at the top of the stomach?  What remedies where you given?

Well, here is anew look at these ailments, what really happens and what you can do about it which brings relief.

Acid Reflux, GERD & Heartburn

Why Supplements Send People to the ER

Now that is scary, isn’t it?  Can the supplements I take be so bad for my health that I can wind up in the ER?

There was this quiz and I am skeptical that it wasn’t just written by the drug companies who want you to switch from taking things to build your health to taking their drugs.  But it might be someone with incorrect information trying to make sure you chose wisely.

Either way, here is an article written that evaluates this.

Why Supplements Send People to the ER