Chemo Brain & What Can Be Done

There has been a big debate over chemo brain for almost as long as chemotherapy has been around.   After receiving chemotherapy, a person complains about their ability to remember, learn and they talk about the constant fog they feel they are in.

When a person complains about sharp pains in their toes, the doctor knows it neuropathy and gives them a pamphlet “Living with Neuropathy”.  But what about when their thinking is getting foggy?

There are many reasons put forth and all you have to do is search for the term “chemo brain” on the Internet and you will find lots of theories and back and forth.  Suggestions about “brain games” are even made to help you get your wits back.

Here is the information that we’ve found regarding Chemo Fog

With Nerve Damage, you need more than an antioxidant.

In the last year or so, the number of articles written about neuropathy has grown and with this number the different “natural” remedies have grown.  I even find new “remedies” that come and go on a regular basis which claim they have the ingredients to help neuropathy.

Most remedies that I found claim antioxidants are the thing that will help, but others have their own combinations.

The real bottom line is will it build healthy nerves?  What does the body need to build healthy nerves?

The right tools for Neuropathy, read about it here.

Are Menopausal Symptoms Normal?

I remember a friend who had problems with menopause.   She went to a medical doctor who told her that in the past, people didn’t live as long as now, so it wasn’t a problem.  The medical doctor then tried to “balance her hormones”.

Okay, another weird fact?  People didn’t live as long. There was a 75th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in which a lot of original participants in the war showed up. 2000 Soldiers. They were in their 90s. (average age was 94)  There was also one funeral in 1916 where about 50 of the people who were in the same division as the deceased was in attendance, one was 101 years old. We don’t live as long?

It appears that the longevity is an average and there are reasons why people died early and thus the average age was lowered, but not true that people didn’t live so long so it wasn’t a problem.

However, menopausal symptoms are not normal. There is information on this and even a great video by Dr. Berg who sums it up quite easily.   “Menopausal Symptoms Normal – Think Again”   

Read Menopause

There is even information on what you can do about it. 


Do you treat the symptoms or the cause of the problem?

I’ve come across this quite often where some health problem is treated by addressing the symptom instead of finding out why that symptom exists and treating that.  How many medical doctors think that they are naturopaths by addressing sleep with tart cherry instead of a drugs.  But they are still treating the symptoms.  Finding out why the person can’t sleep and treating that would be a nutritional handling of the problem.

Here is a video done by Dr. Eric Berg on What is the Cause of Fatigue?   He goes over this exact point.

Testosterone Treatments and Health Risks

Recently, you might have noticed a lot of ads about supplementing to help become more like when a guy was 20.   It seems to make some sort of sense, supplement with testosterone.

Giving the body artificial or hormone replacement therapy has never been a good idea.  The best way to help the bodies hormonal system is to find out which glands need support and give the body the nutritional supplements (whole food supplements) it needs to strengthen the system.

Meanwhile, its been found that testosterone supplementation is now linked to heart risk. Not surprising.   Here is an article   Testosterone treatment linked to Heart Risks.  Check our article on HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy

A Balanced Diet – How do you start?

Been doing a lot of study lately on the type of foods we should be eating, and what it will do for health.

It’s much better to eat a good diet, then to deal with the consequences of nutritional deficiencies and the health problems they create.   Underlying all else should be a good diet.

Here is our first article on the subject  A Balanced Diet


Cholesterol – Do You Understand It?

I realized recently that I didn’t really understand what the HDL or the LDL, the good and bad cholesterol, was or what it all meant.  I’ve noticed the large amount of people, who are very concerned with their cholesterol levels and are taking Statin Drugs.  There are far too many side effects that are connected to these drugs for me to feel good about it. .

Finding a good product that I trusted and would be willing to recommend led me to have to investigate the ingredients in the various cholesterol lowering supplements available on the market.   Did that open my eyes.

So, the article on McVitamins was re-written so that you can better understand what it all means.   When you better understand anything, you are better able to control and fix the problem.

After understanding HDL, it occurred to me that we all might benefit from taking something that increased the good cholesterol, instead of just trying to block the “bad” cholesterol which the body uses to be healthy.   After all,no matter how hard I try, I sometimes wind up eating incorrectly when on the run or on vacation.

My advice, read this article. Cholesterol


Trace Minerals, why they are important?

I’ve been doing study on weight loss and the body’s ability to restore and repair itself. Did you know what really creates tooth decay the de-mineralization of the teeth.   This was from a study in 1922.

Trace minerals comes up again and again as the soil is so depleted and the body needs  them.  So here is an article on Trace Minerals and a video by Dr. Eric Berg on Trace Minerals   Worth the time to find out what your body needs.

Trace Minerals