Chicken Soup when You’re Sick

Okay, what is it about chicken soup that feels good when you’re sick?  Grandma and Mom were right — a bowl of chicken soup does make you feel better when you are sick.

Why this remedy?

Well, chicken soap contains cysteine, an amino acid that’s chemically similar to a bronchitis drug to help reduce inflammation. The broth also helps thin mucus, and the protein in the chicken helps you produce disease-fighting antibodies. It also contains zinc which has been called “nature’s penicillin”

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The Diet of the Plague

Most of us have heard about the 1300s plague or Black Death, or Bubonic Plague. I didn’t know much about it so watched a special on TV. At the end of the show, they talked about how it was the microbe that created this problem, and that man’s deadliest enemy was the microbe. I thought that was a strange idea and wasn’t sure what they were selling except maybe “fear”.

Now, an interesting part of the show talked about how after 1/2 of the population was killed by the plague, that there was more food to go around and they even had luxury foods like fruit, vegetables and meat. What? Luxury foods? Yes, it seems that before the bubonic plague, the diet of most of the populace was grains. If you follow it back that was because there had been a famine earlier. Not enough food. Now what does that type of diet do to the immune system? If you read about the plague it affected the lymph glands. What was the cause of this epidemic?

I’m sure I can find out more about this, but seriously, although I know that some people claim that grains are good for you (mostly the people who grow and process grains) that sort of diet is not healthy. The immune system would be compromised. So, man’s deadliest enemy isn’t the microbe, but the fact that he allows himself to eat foods that would lower his immunity and become the effect of these microbes.

Here is a new article about the Diet of the Plague, What Went Wrong?

Read also Immunity

Stress and Your Immune System

Seems like one of the big stressors lately is the Covid flu.   The confusing reports that change and the fear of getting sick can really stress a person.

There is on thing that we know works on infections – a healthy immune system.  I don’t hear this being promoted by the experts (and its been a year)  but it seems the right way to go.

Here is something on stress and a link to our page on Immunity.

Effects of Stress on Your Immune System Important when a pandemic is being addressed.

A Healthy Immune System.

What is the Essential Oil Called Thieves???

This is a special blend of oils.   Why is it called Thieves?

The story of this blend of oils all centers around one event, the Bubonic Plague. During that time, there were four thieves who went from house to house to rob those who had died of the plague. After these thieves were captured and tried, a judge offered leniency if they would share how they were able to rob them but not be affected by the illness. It seems they had formulated a special combination of oils.   They had been spice traders but when the shipping trade was blocked by the government, they chose to steal but they knew how to formulate protection from the plague.

Thieves offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home cleaning and personal care products, from dish soap to toothpaste.

Why would you want to use products with Thieve’s oil blend?

There are two things that create health. One making sure you get the 40 nutrients that the body needs in order to function properly. And the second, to not put any toxins into the body that will lead to the body not functioning properly. Thus you can ditch and replace any toxic chemicals in your house knowing the value of these oils.

Diffuse Thieves oil throughout the house and use Thieves cleaning products that are without harsh toxic chemicals.  It is known that most viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of these oils.

Thieves Essential Oil Blend Product Information Page

To Learn more and to Order the Essential Oil

To Order the Cleaning Products using this oil

Effects of Stress on the Immune System, what you can do.

Stress has emotional and physical consequences. Most of us are familiar with feeling some degree of anxiety when we face a stressful situation. However, the physical effects of stress are not as well known.

As we need to rise to meet a challenge, a little stress in life can be inspiring, but if life or a life event exceeds our capacity to cope, it can cause emotional and physical problems.

Stress prompts the body to release cortisol, the primary hormone of tension in the body. Increased blood cortisol levels change how our body’s immune system reacts to infections. Long-term and chronic stress leads to persistently elevated cortisol levels. The presence of cortisol in the bloodstream for a prolonged period reduces the effectiveness of the immune system by reducing the white blood cell count.

These effects result in chronic infections, chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases, cancers, and other physiological disorders.

As the pandemic continues, many individuals have encountered more stress than usual. Nearly 8 in 10 adults suggest a significant cause of stress in their lives is the coronavirus pandemic.

Why does bad news often precede illnesses, coughs, and common colds?

Bad news causes us to feel stressed, which in turn weakens the immune system. So, we are even more vulnerable to germs we are exposed to at that moment and we often become sick.

Health conditions due to long-term exposure to stress

The National Institutes of Health says that continued stress on your body from everyday triggers is often the most difficult to identify but could lead to serious health issues such as:

● Heart disease

● Diabetes

● High Blood Pressure

● Cancer.

Studies also uncovered many other stress-related health concerns, such as the risk of obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, stomach disorders, and asthma, which tends to worsen or increase due to stress.

What Can You Do?

For a long and healthy life, it’s vital to focus on supporting your immune system on an ongoing basis. One of the best ways to do this is with natural, powerful immune system boosters contained in camel milk.

In the serum of camel milk, a completely new class of immunoglobulin has been discovered, which is fundamentally different from all other previously known antibody classes. Cameloid Immunoglobulins (only found in camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, and guanacos) are used by the immune system for easy and quick targeting of foreign substances. This is one of the ways camel milk strengthens and supports the gastrointestinal immune system.

Learn more about Camel Milk

Masks & Skin Inflammation and Bacterial exposure due to wearing them

Whether you agree with the wearing of masks or not, you are often required to wear them to work for 8 hours, or when you visit a store.

Without the controversy there is another situation, many people develop skin trouble from wearing a mask (especially those prone to acne & skin problems)

There is a solution to the skin inflammation.Here is an article regarding this: Natural Skin Repair Solution for Maskne


Bacteria Infections – This is part of the problem, no doubt, but there is a situation (and more controversy) regarding bacterial infection from breathing in a mask.

We will find out more information on this, but meanwhile, please don’t wear a mask more than one day before changing to a new mask which has just been washed.

One of the scary thoughts is geting a bacterial infection in your lungs and then being exposed to the flu with already weakened lungs from a bacterial infection. So if you wear a mask, keep it clean and bacteria free.

More next week.

Flu Activity is High this Season? What can be done?

There is a lot of talk this year about how bad the flu is, they even report on the news of  the deaths.   The actual numbers vary greatly depending on  you are talking to?   And which “news” station you listen to.  But getting the flu is never pleasant.    Of course, they are also talking about getting a flu shot?   Does that work?

I’ve heard from many people how they got the flu shot and still got the flu, but then the answer has been, it would have been worse if they didn’t get the flu shot.   I’m skeptical.  I know one person who rarely gets sick much less gets a flu, but her doctor talked her into getting one this year.  Yes, she got sick.

Whatever you think about this, you should some information to help with the flu if you do get it (or even if you get a cold)

Here is our article on Flu

And, of course, the right thing to do is build a healthy immune system

Hidden Environmental Stress by Dr. Eric Berg

Get rid of stress and help your adrenals.

There are so many things in your environment that triggers stress such as TV.

If you watch the news over a period of time your mind starts to fixated on fear. The worst thing you can do is watch the news before bed.

You have to personally select what is in your environment and in your space and not allow everything to come through so that you won’t get all these triggers.

There are tons of things that are affecting your adrenals and you may not be aware of it.

The stress is in the past with memories and past pictures that have pain. We want to put your more into the future – more in imagination or day dream of how beautiful your future will be for you.

I’m not talking about fear of the future because that is still rooted to your past. Being in the future is a complete blank slate, you’re not there yet. It is a very healthy place to be.

Being in the present is therapeutic. Me and my wife play with legos or color instead of watching TV because it forces us to be in the present through activity.

Anything you can do to create rather it is:




These things are very healthy and will help you stay present. In the present, there is no scary anything.

Start changing your environment the way you want it to help your adrenals.

See Dr. Berg’s Complete Educational Video