Cancer Treatments – The “Alternatives”

There is a lot to be said about what treatment to use if you find you have cancer.    Here is an article on the treatments including several alternative methods   Cancer Treatments

Additionally, there is a TV show done on the Unknown Cause of Cancer.   It can be found here under One Man’s Take on Cancer.

It does talk about misdiagnosis of cancer and the other reason that you can get DNA mutations.  It is very worth watching.

Do you use Artificial Sweeteners? Are they Healthy Replacements for Sugar?

A lot of people use artificial sweeteners because they have heard that sugar is bad for them but love things sweet.   Are they doing the right thing?

Artificial sweeteners have their own problems.   Here is a list of them with links to articles on their relationship to your health

Sugar Substitutes

Is there anything you can take to sweeten up you coffee or use in your baking.   It appears that Stevia is the best option.  Stevia is a herb that used in very small amounts make a great sweetener.  It comes in packets, or drops and works well.

Here is the definition:

Stevia: Made from the leaves of a Paraguayan herb, and usually found in powder form, it is 300 times sweeter than sugar. A little goes a very long way (obviously). It’s non-caloric, which is generally considered a plus.

Trace Minerals, why they are important?

I’ve been doing study on weight loss and the body’s ability to restore and repair itself. Did you know what really creates tooth decay the de-mineralization of the teeth.   This was from a study in 1922.

Trace minerals comes up again and again as the soil is so depleted and the body needs  them.  So here is an article on Trace Minerals and a video by Dr. Eric Berg on Trace Minerals   Worth the time to find out what your body needs.

Trace Minerals

Companies with Non-GMO Products

We do have a list of companies that contributed to combating the movement in California to get GMO Products Labeled.   Here is that page  GMO Companies

We’ve been working to make a list of companies that are part of the Non-GMO movement. We put them in an alphabetical list so that you can print it off and have it available when you shop.  Non-GMO Companies

We’ve done our best to compile this list.  If anyone has contrary information about these companies or know of other companies that should be on the list, please email McVitamins at Email

What is the cause of your physical problem?

The words “genetic” or “idopathic”, an unknown cause, is often used by medical doctor when they are trying and failing

to locate the reason a person is sick.  I get the idea that it is just something that happens and we are all to live in fear and hope it doesn’t happen to us.  The best I hear is that something is linked to the “disease” being talked about, nothing concrete, just perhaps something might have something to do with it.

Read about finding the Cause of Your Physical Problem?

Hormone Replacement Therapy – HRT

Here’s a subject that can round and round.  The symptoms are distracting to say the least. The imbalance of hormones supposedly makes you susceptible to heart disease, dementia, etc. etc. The drugs and “bio-identical” hormones have side effects.

You feel terrible, what do you do?

Here is an article on this with information and a really natural solution.  Once you know the reason for the problem, you can solve the problem.


Male Hormone Replacement

Recently, there has been a big push on replacing testosterone to help men regain their youth.

Is it t good idea?

There has already been talk about the negative side of taking these supplements.   So, here is an article which not only talks about that, but about what natural things you can do to improve this valuable hormone.

Low T – Testosterone

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How Do Drugs Create Side Effects?

Anyone who has watched a drug commercial on TV has heard the long list of possible side effects that goes along with taking the drug.

The only reason I can think that someone would still want to take a drug is that they either don’t believe it or have a gambler’s desire to play the odds.

Why do drugs create side effects?  Read   How Do Drugs Create Side Effects?

The Diet of the Plague

Most of us have heard about the 1300s plague or Black Death, or Bubonic Plague. I didn’t know much about it so watched a special on TV. At the end of the show, they talked about how it was the microbe that created this problem, and that man’s deadliest enemy was the microbe. I thought that was a strange idea and wasn’t sure what they were selling except maybe “fear”.

Now, an interesting part of the show talked about how after 1/2 of the population was killed by the plague, that there was more food to go around and they even had luxury foods like fruit, vegetables and meat. What? Luxury foods? Yes, it seems that before the bubonic plague, the diet of most of the populace was grains. If you follow it back that was because there had been a famine earlier. Not enough food. Now what does that type of diet do to the immune system? If you read about the plague it affected the lymph glands. What was the cause of this epidemic?

I’m sure I can find out more about this, but seriously, although I know that some people claim that grains are good for you (mostly the people who grow and process grains) that sort of diet is not healthy. The immune system would be compromised. So, man’s deadliest enemy isn’t the microbe, but the fact that he allows himself to eat foods that would lower his immunity and become the effect of these microbes.

Here is a new article about the Diet of the Plague, What Went Wrong?

Read also Immunity