Why Supplements Send People to the ER

Now that is scary, isn’t it?  Can the supplements I take be so bad for my health that I can wind up in the ER?

There was this quiz and I am skeptical that it wasn’t just written by the drug companies who want you to switch from taking things to build your health to taking their drugs.  But it might be someone with incorrect information trying to make sure you chose wisely.

Either way, here is an article written that evaluates this.

Why Supplements Send People to the ER

Sinus Infection & Fungus

Time after time you hear from others or from yourself, that despite constant treatment with antibiotics, their sinus infection continues to return.

There are many symptoms, and it makes life miserable. No matter how often you go to the doctor and how many different antibiotics you try, nothing seems to work.

When a remedy doesn’t work, you are addressing the wrong problem.  Maybe it isn’t bacteria that is causing the infection.

Read: Sinus Infection & Fungus

What is Inherited or Genetic Neuropathy?

There are specific types of neuropathy that are considered inherited.  

But genetic is a matter of the DNA.  It can be altered not only by what you inherit but by what can affect the DNA.   Chemicals, radiation and toxins can also produce damage to the DNA either by breaking the strand or rearranging the sequence of the genes.

There are also conditions that are considered hereditary neuropathy.

Read:  Hereditary Neuropathy

Why is What You Eat So Important?

So often I hear from various people that they don’t want to change their diet, they are too old to change what they eat and besides disease is really hereditary, a microbe that you can stop, or just something that happens.

Is it?  I very often tell someone when they complain about the cost of healthy organic food, they they can spend more now or they can pay the doctor later. 

Besides the pain, loss of income, and anxiety of that might be wrong when they get ill, they miss out on all the energy they could have right now.

Read More:  The Importance of What We Eat

Biologics, What are they?

If you watch TV at all, I’m sure you’ve heard the drug company commercials about Biologics?

Sounds like natural healing?

What is a biologic?  How is it made and why are there so many side effects connected with something that sounds natural?

Read: Biologics, What are they?