Effects of Stress on the Immune System, what you can do.

Stress has emotional and physical consequences. Most of us are familiar with feeling some degree of anxiety when we face a stressful situation. However, the physical effects of stress are not as well known.

As we need to rise to meet a challenge, a little stress in life can be inspiring, but if life or a life event exceeds our capacity to cope, it can cause emotional and physical problems.

Stress prompts the body to release cortisol, the primary hormone of tension in the body. Increased blood cortisol levels change how our body’s immune system reacts to infections. Long-term and chronic stress leads to persistently elevated cortisol levels. The presence of cortisol in the bloodstream for a prolonged period reduces the effectiveness of the immune system by reducing the white blood cell count.

These effects result in chronic infections, chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases, cancers, and other physiological disorders.

As the pandemic continues, many individuals have encountered more stress than usual. Nearly 8 in 10 adults suggest a significant cause of stress in their lives is the coronavirus pandemic.

Why does bad news often precede illnesses, coughs, and common colds?

Bad news causes us to feel stressed, which in turn weakens the immune system. So, we are even more vulnerable to germs we are exposed to at that moment and we often become sick.

Health conditions due to long-term exposure to stress

The National Institutes of Health says that continued stress on your body from everyday triggers is often the most difficult to identify but could lead to serious health issues such as:

● Heart disease

● Diabetes

● High Blood Pressure

● Cancer.

Studies also uncovered many other stress-related health concerns, such as the risk of obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, stomach disorders, and asthma, which tends to worsen or increase due to stress.

What Can You Do?

For a long and healthy life, it’s vital to focus on supporting your immune system on an ongoing basis. One of the best ways to do this is with natural, powerful immune system boosters contained in camel milk.

In the serum of camel milk, a completely new class of immunoglobulin has been discovered, which is fundamentally different from all other previously known antibody classes. Cameloid Immunoglobulins (only found in camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, and guanacos) are used by the immune system for easy and quick targeting of foreign substances. This is one of the ways camel milk strengthens and supports the gastrointestinal immune system.

Learn more about Camel Milk

The Holidays are Over – Now What about your Health

I know that people are not too interested in their health when shopping, wrapping presents, attending parties and eating  holiday cookies?   It is the season for good friends and family to get together.

However, it is January.   It is time to attend to your health.

What about the New Year Resolutions?

What is your resolution?

To lose weight – See Diets

To Get Healthy – See Ketogenic Diet & Dr. Berg’s Book

Quit Smoking

To get your life back – See Health Conditions

& the McVitamins Index

Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron; calcium; magnesium; amino acids; chlorophyll; and vitamins A, C and E. It contains all the minerals known to man as well as vitamins B Complex, I and K. It’s  nutrient content is said to boost immunity, kill harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and rid your body of waste.  

In a juice form it is easily assimilated. 

Dr. Berg’s wheat grass juice powder is 100% organic and massively nutrient-dense. It is grown on an ancient sea bed in Utah, which allows the grass to absorb tons of trace minerals. It is dark green, alive and very aromatic. You’ll notice the difference between this wheat grass juice powder by its deep green color, soothing taste and aromatic smell.

See more about Wheat Grass 

Building Health at the Cellular Level

“We need to shift focus from treating disease to generating health” – Hippocrates (AMA “The Father of Medicine”)

As per the above quote, generating health is the way to go. It is smart to not let your body degenerate to the point where you have to have a medical doctor intervene with drugs and surgery. You create health by addressing the body’s needs and improving health where you are more able to live life.

I’ve done a lot of looking, and found this incredible product that meets the needs of many problems with the ingredients it contains.

Read:  Cellular Health and recommended  nutrition.

What is McVitamins.com

Hi, my name is Chris. Let me tell you about this website.

I was concerned with the amount of degenerative diseases and other illnesses that occur due to nutritional deficiencies caused by faulty diet, and toxins in the environment such as drugs. Thus www.mcvitamins.com was created in 1999. 

Education is the best tool to getting healthy and maintaining that health. Understanding how the body works, what it needs to survive well and what to do naturally when it gets sick is valuable.

Learning these things is sometimes difficult due to the way that a lot of scientific papers and journals are written. They have their own language and unless you understand that language you have difficulty learning, if you can understand it at all.

Thus, I strive to write easily understood articles about health.

I also find that people would like to take natural remedies and not rely on drugs, but don’t know how to do this or what to do. Thus, the site also educates on what natural remedies to take.

I knew remedies that worked when the website was started and what to take to keep healthy. But, I then started researching different products.

As an example, in 2006, I found a workable remedy for nerve damage (neuropathy). I was particularly interested in this problem as people are given strong drugs (pain killers, anti-depressants and anticonvulsant) none of which are healthy as they cause nutritional deficiencies and are not all that workable. It only attempts to cover up the symptoms and does nothing to build health.

This product was the first on the market (2004) and for 11 years I’ve seen so many people relieved by giving the body what it needs to build healthy nerves. This product has since been followed by copycats and other opinions on what to do for this problem. However, I still promote this same product because this one works and it follows the science of what is needed by the nerves to be healthy.

This is only one example. I disagree with taking drugs as it only manages disease but doesn’t build health. I believe that if you build health, disease tends to fade away.

Thus, McVitamins.com continually researches information and nutritional solutions to help the individual to build health. 

McVitamins.com now has suggested products that can be ordered through this site, and links to other sites where you can order. 

Recommended products not only fit the criteria of handling the deficiencies the nutritional supplements were meant to handle, but has been researched and found to produce good results.

We do want to hear from you.  We’re interested in what you have to say?  What you like about our site, or what you don’t like. What other topics would interest you, or anything at all. We’d also like to hear any of your successes. 

“We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..” Hippocrates (AMA”The Father of Medicine” 460 BC – 380 BC) 

Chris & the McVitamins.com Staff


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Chris Daino is the Founder of McVitamins.com – How to Survive in Spite of a Fast Food Lifestyle

About the Author – Chris Daino was trained at C.U.N.Y, Brooklyn College in pre-med and later in the study of Nutrition.

Contact Us


Real Food Is a Potent Ally Against Depression

Here is an article by Dr. Mercola that we wanted to pass on.  He has some great data on the cause of depression due to diet.

Here is his article:

  • Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, affecting an estimated 322 million people globally, including more than 16 million Americans, 6 million of whom are seniors
  • Research shows nutrition is a crucial factor in depression, and researchers have suggested diet is an important yet overlooked aspect of psychiatry
  • Recent research found seniors who followed the DASH diet were 11 percent less likely to develop depression over the following six years, whereas those following a standard Western diet had the highest rates of depression
  • Other studies have shown that unprocessed foods, especially fermented foods, help optimize your gut microbiome, thereby supporting optimal mental health, whereas sugar, wheat (gluten) and processed foods have been linked to a greater risk for depression, anxiety and even suicide
  • Your gut communicates to your brain via your vagus nerve and the stress pathway in your endocrine system, and by producing mood-boosting neurotransmitters. These links help explain why your gut health has such a significant impact on your mental health

See the entire article

Real Food Is a Potent Ally Against Depression (with Dr. Mercola, you have to go to his website and search, he doesn’t allow links) go to mercola.com and search.

Hidden Environmental Stress by Dr. Eric Berg

Get rid of stress and help your adrenals.

There are so many things in your environment that triggers stress such as TV.

If you watch the news over a period of time your mind starts to fixated on fear. The worst thing you can do is watch the news before bed.

You have to personally select what is in your environment and in your space and not allow everything to come through so that you won’t get all these triggers.

There are tons of things that are affecting your adrenals and you may not be aware of it.

The stress is in the past with memories and past pictures that have pain. We want to put your more into the future – more in imagination or day dream of how beautiful your future will be for you.

I’m not talking about fear of the future because that is still rooted to your past. Being in the future is a complete blank slate, you’re not there yet. It is a very healthy place to be.

Being in the present is therapeutic. Me and my wife play with legos or color instead of watching TV because it forces us to be in the present through activity.

Anything you can do to create rather it is:




These things are very healthy and will help you stay present. In the present, there is no scary anything.

Start changing your environment the way you want it to help your adrenals.

See Dr. Berg’s Complete Educational Video