What do your Medical Tests Show?

Have you ever been confused because the doctor says there is nothing wrong with you, yet you feel terrible?  You know someone that had to have bypass surgery due to the fact that he had a lot of blockage?  The procedure saved his life.  But, why didn’t they catch it when it was 75% blockage of 50% or 30%.

A medical doctor will consider that a person is “healthy” if they don’t have a disease.  Their tests are designed to find disease.   This means that sometimes drastic measures need to be used to save a life.

What about health?   Isn’t it better to keep healthy?  Isn’t that the ultimate health insurance?   What you eat counts.  Getting exercise counts.   What do you need to do?

What is the difference between Structural Medicine (drugs and surgery) and Functional Medicine.   Treating disease as opposed to building health.

Read McVitamins, How to Survive In Spite of a Fast Food Lifestyle

What is Reflux, GERD and Heartburn?

Have you ever suffered from heartburn, felt acid in your throat or having had this repeatedly told you you had a disease called GERD?   GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Where you told that your stomach had too much acid and given antiacid medications?  Did it work?

Where you told that it was due to a problem with the valve at the top of the stomach?  What remedies where you given?

Well, here is anew look at these ailments, what really happens and what you can do about it which brings relief.

Acid Reflux, GERD & Heartburn

Biologics, What are they?

If you watch TV at all, I’m sure you’ve heard the drug company commercials about Biologics?

Sounds like natural healing?

What is a biologic?  How is it made and why are there so many side effects connected with something that sounds natural?

Read: Biologics, What are they?

Effects of Stress on the Immune System, what you can do.

Stress has emotional and physical consequences. Most of us are familiar with feeling some degree of anxiety when we face a stressful situation. However, the physical effects of stress are not as well known.

As we need to rise to meet a challenge, a little stress in life can be inspiring, but if life or a life event exceeds our capacity to cope, it can cause emotional and physical problems.

Stress prompts the body to release cortisol, the primary hormone of tension in the body. Increased blood cortisol levels change how our body’s immune system reacts to infections. Long-term and chronic stress leads to persistently elevated cortisol levels. The presence of cortisol in the bloodstream for a prolonged period reduces the effectiveness of the immune system by reducing the white blood cell count.

These effects result in chronic infections, chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases, cancers, and other physiological disorders.

As the pandemic continues, many individuals have encountered more stress than usual. Nearly 8 in 10 adults suggest a significant cause of stress in their lives is the coronavirus pandemic.

Why does bad news often precede illnesses, coughs, and common colds?

Bad news causes us to feel stressed, which in turn weakens the immune system. So, we are even more vulnerable to germs we are exposed to at that moment and we often become sick.

Health conditions due to long-term exposure to stress

The National Institutes of Health says that continued stress on your body from everyday triggers is often the most difficult to identify but could lead to serious health issues such as:

● Heart disease

● Diabetes

● High Blood Pressure

● Cancer.

Studies also uncovered many other stress-related health concerns, such as the risk of obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, stomach disorders, and asthma, which tends to worsen or increase due to stress.

What Can You Do?

For a long and healthy life, it’s vital to focus on supporting your immune system on an ongoing basis. One of the best ways to do this is with natural, powerful immune system boosters contained in camel milk.

In the serum of camel milk, a completely new class of immunoglobulin has been discovered, which is fundamentally different from all other previously known antibody classes. Cameloid Immunoglobulins (only found in camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, and guanacos) are used by the immune system for easy and quick targeting of foreign substances. This is one of the ways camel milk strengthens and supports the gastrointestinal immune system.

Learn more about Camel Milk

Electrolytes, why are they important to your health?

Electrolytes are the smallest of chemicals that are important for the cells in the body to function and allow the body to work. The major electrolytes  found within the body include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium – there are others.

Electrolytes are critical in allowing cells to generate energy, maintain the stability of the cell walls, and to function in general. Electrolytes generate electricity, contract muscles, move water and fluids within the body inside and outside of the cells, and participate in many other activities.

The concentration of electrolytes in the body is controlled by hormones, most of which are manufactured in the kidney and the adrenal glands. There are specialized kidney cells that monitor the amount of sodium, potassium, and water in the bloodstream.

The body functions in a very narrow range of normal, and it is hormones keep the electrolyte balance within those normal limits.

An example of keeping electrolyte concentrations in balance includes turning on the thirst mechanism when the body gets dehydrated.

Electrolyte: Sodium (Na)

Sodium is most often found outside the cell, in the plasma (liquid) of the bloodstream. It is a significant part of water regulation in the body, since water goes where the sodium goes. If there is too much sodium in the body, perhaps due to high salt intake in the diet from table salt and processed foods, the sodium is excreted by the kidney, and water follows.

Sodium is an important electrolyte that helps with electrical signals in the body, allowing muscles and the brain to work. It is of the action that keeps sodium in the plasma and potassium inside the cell where they are needed.

Symptoms of Sodium Imbalance

Too much or too little sodium can cause cells to malfunction. Symptoms are lethargy, confusion, weakness, swelling, seizures, and coma.

Potassium (K)

Potassium is mostly inside the cells of the body. The difference in concentration from within the cell to the outside of the cell is essential in the generation of the electrical impulses in the body that allow muscles and the brain to function.

Potassium Imbalance

Too much potassium can cause abnormal electrical conduction in the heart and can create heart rhythm problems.

Too little potassium can happen when the body loses too much from vomiting, diarrhea, sweating ad meications such as diuretics and laxatives.

Electrolyte: Calcium (Ca)

Calcium metabolism in the body is closely linked to magnesium levels.

Calcium Imbalance

Too much calcium is associated with kidney stones, abdominal pain and depression Too much calcium can be associated with heart rhythm disturbances.

Too little calcium symptoms include weakness, muscle spasms, and heart rhythm disturbance.

Electrolyte: Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is involved with a variety of metabolic activities in the body, including relaxation of the smooth muscles that surround the bronchial tubes in the lung, skeletal muscle contraction, and excitation of neurons in the brain. Magnesium acts as part of many of the body’s enzyme activities.

Magnesium levels in the body are closely linked with sodium, potassium, and calcium metabolism; and are regulated by the kidney. Magnesium enters the body through the diet. Too little magnesium stimulates absorption from the intestine, while too much decreases the absorption.

Conditions of Magnesium Imbalance

Common causes of low magnesium include too much alcohol
and associated malnutrition, chronic diarrhea, and medications like diuretics (water pills used to control high blood pressure). More than half of hospitalized patients in ICUs may become magnesium deficient.

Symptoms involve the heart with rhythm abnormalities, muscles with weakness and cramps, and the nervous system, potentially causing confusion, hallucinations, and seizures.

Too much magnesium in the blood stream and most often occurs in patients with kidney function problems in which the excretion of magnesium is limited. Since the absorption and excretion of magnesium is linked to other electrolytes.

Symptoms can include heart rhythm disturbances, muscle weakness, nausea  and vomiting, and breathing difficulties.

Electrolyte: Bicarbonate (HCO3)

This electrolyte is an important component of the equation that keeps the acid-base status of the body in balance.

Water + Carbon Dioxide = Bicarbonate + Hydrogen

This electrolyte helps buffer the acids that build up in the body as normal byproducts of metabolism. For example, when muscles are working, they produce lactic acid as a byproduct of energy formation. HCO3 is required to react with and form carbon dioxide


Electrolytes are minerals, such as sodium and potassium that are found in the body. They keep your body’s fluids in balance and help keep your body working normally, including your heart rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain function.

What Is an Electrolye? Educational Video by Dr. Berg


Dr. Berg’s Electrolyte Powder

The Holidays are Over – Now What about your Health

I know that people are not too interested in their health when shopping, wrapping presents, attending parties and eating  holiday cookies?   It is the season for good friends and family to get together.

However, it is January.   It is time to attend to your health.

What about the New Year Resolutions?

What is your resolution?

To lose weight – See Diets

To Get Healthy – See Ketogenic Diet & Dr. Berg’s Book

Quit Smoking

To get your life back – See Health Conditions

& the McVitamins Index

Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron; calcium; magnesium; amino acids; chlorophyll; and vitamins A, C and E. It contains all the minerals known to man as well as vitamins B Complex, I and K. It’s  nutrient content is said to boost immunity, kill harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and rid your body of waste.  

In a juice form it is easily assimilated. 

Dr. Berg’s wheat grass juice powder is 100% organic and massively nutrient-dense. It is grown on an ancient sea bed in Utah, which allows the grass to absorb tons of trace minerals. It is dark green, alive and very aromatic. You’ll notice the difference between this wheat grass juice powder by its deep green color, soothing taste and aromatic smell.

See more about Wheat Grass