Do you use Artificial Sweeteners? Are they Healthy Replacements for Sugar?

A lot of people use artificial sweeteners because they have heard that sugar is bad for them but love things sweet.   Are they doing the right thing?

Artificial sweeteners have their own problems.   Here is a list of them with links to articles on their relationship to your health

Sugar Substitutes

Is there anything you can take to sweeten up you coffee or use in your baking.   It appears that Stevia is the best option.  Stevia is a herb that used in very small amounts make a great sweetener.  It comes in packets, or drops and works well.

Here is the definition:

Stevia: Made from the leaves of a Paraguayan herb, and usually found in powder form, it is 300 times sweeter than sugar. A little goes a very long way (obviously). It’s non-caloric, which is generally considered a plus.

Cholesterol – Do You Understand It?

I realized recently that I didn’t really understand what the HDL or the LDL, the good and bad cholesterol, was or what it all meant.  I’ve noticed the large amount of people, who are very concerned with their cholesterol levels and are taking Statin Drugs.  There are far too many side effects that are connected to these drugs for me to feel good about it. .

Finding a good product that I trusted and would be willing to recommend led me to have to investigate the ingredients in the various cholesterol lowering supplements available on the market.   Did that open my eyes.

So, the article on McVitamins was re-written so that you can better understand what it all means.   When you better understand anything, you are better able to control and fix the problem.

After understanding HDL, it occurred to me that we all might benefit from taking something that increased the good cholesterol, instead of just trying to block the “bad” cholesterol which the body uses to be healthy.   After all,no matter how hard I try, I sometimes wind up eating incorrectly when on the run or on vacation.

My advice, read this article. Cholesterol


What is the cause of your physical problem?

The words “genetic” or “idopathic”, an unknown cause, is often used by medical doctor when they are trying and failing

to locate the reason a person is sick.  I get the idea that it is just something that happens and we are all to live in fear and hope it doesn’t happen to us.  The best I hear is that something is linked to the “disease” being talked about, nothing concrete, just perhaps something might have something to do with it.

Read about finding the Cause of Your Physical Problem?

What do your Medical Tests Show?

Have you ever been confused because the doctor says there is nothing wrong with you, yet you feel terrible?  You know someone that had to have bypass surgery due to the fact that he had a lot of blockage?  The procedure saved his life.  But, why didn’t they catch it when it was 75% blockage of 50% or 30%.

A medical doctor will consider that a person is “healthy” if they don’t have a disease.  Their tests are designed to find disease.   This means that sometimes drastic measures need to be used to save a life.

What about health?   Isn’t it better to keep healthy?  Isn’t that the ultimate health insurance?   What you eat counts.  Getting exercise counts.   What do you need to do?

What is the difference between Structural Medicine (drugs and surgery) and Functional Medicine.   Treating disease as opposed to building health.

Read McVitamins, How to Survive In Spite of a Fast Food Lifestyle

What is Reflux, GERD and Heartburn?

Have you ever suffered from heartburn, felt acid in your throat or having had this repeatedly told you you had a disease called GERD?   GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Where you told that your stomach had too much acid and given antiacid medications?  Did it work?

Where you told that it was due to a problem with the valve at the top of the stomach?  What remedies where you given?

Well, here is anew look at these ailments, what really happens and what you can do about it which brings relief.

Acid Reflux, GERD & Heartburn