Toxins = Bad Health

There are so many ways that toxins can get into your body and disrupt the normal body functions.   Yes, you can breath it, you can ingest them, you can even get it through your skin.’

Wonder what is in your beauty products?  What is in that shaving cream?  What is in the make up or skin softener?  What about the cleaning products?

What about the food you eat?   Not only can it have lots of toxins from the way it was grown, but now most vegetables are genetically modified …. GMOs.

Start somewhere and start eliminating the toxins from constantly being used by the body instead of what it should be using for health.

Here’s an article on GMO in case you wonder about buying non-GMO products but think they are too expensive.  Think about how expensive bad health is.


What is Inflammation? Why is it necessary and how to combat chronic inflammation

What is Inflammation?

We hear so often about inflammation. There is even a drug commerical which states that it will “block the source of inflammation”. Makes one wonder what causes the inflammation and why isn’t that being targetsd?

Let’s first find out what inflammation is

Why is it necessary and how to combat chronic inflammation

Inflammation refers to your body’s response when fighting against things that can harm it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins. The response is in order to protect the body so it can repair injuries and to fight invaders, such as bacteria and viruses

You can think of inflammation as the body’s natural response to protect itself against harm. It’s a big part of how our body recovers after facing disease or injury.

This response includes the release of antibodies and proteins, as well as increased blood flow to the damaged area. The whole process usually lasts for a few hours or days in the case of acute inflammation.

There are two types: acute and chronic

Read entire article What is Inflammation?

B Vitamin Deficiency and Neuropathy

B vitamins are the most important vitamins for nerve health. Once the nerve is damaged by the high blood sugars of diabetes, chemotheraphy, toxins, trauma, etc. etc. getting enough B vitamins is vital to building healthy nerves again.

But can a deficiency cause the condition?

Neuropathy can be a result of malnutrition caused by an unbalanced diet and by alcoholism . Alcohol does not allow the normal nutrients of the food you eat to be used.  It does not allow it to be absorbed and metabolized.  Thus, the person using alcohol winds up with malnutrition and the symptoms one normally observes as the result of heavy alcohol consumption. See Alcohol for more information.

Poor diet, vegan diet plans, gastric disorders, severely compromised immunity, etc. are just a few of the risk factors for vitamin B deficiency.

The main reason can be due to the lack of B12 in the diet. B12 deficiency can lead to a number of serious conditions and peripheral neuropathy is one of them. Usually this is more than just B12. These B vitamins work together.

Vitamin D. There is some thought that when a person has diabetes, his D levels go down and that might be a reason for the neuropathy. But that isn’t something that would on its own create the damage. It is the high blood sugars that lead to the nerve damage.

Many doctors after diagnosing someone with neuropathy will take blood tests to see if they have vitamin deficiencies. Because it is believed that neuropathy can be due to B12 deficiency, it is sort of reversed and the deficiency is then looked for.

Very often they can’t find a deficiency, however, the tests used are venous blood which is blood that is leaving the body. It doesn’t seem like a good test to determine what is in the cells. That is where it counts and where the deficiency would matter.

Healthy nerves can be determined as they do not burn, hurt or create coldness, etc. etc. If these symptoms are present the nerves are not healthy.

If the body had all the ingredients to build healthy nerves, they would by using up all the B vitamins and none would appear in the blood test.

However, often the B12 (and other vitamins) found in the blood can be due to laboratory created vitamins that the body cannot use. In fact, there are often a lot of deficiencies created by artificial vitamins found in “supplements” and processed foods. Have you ever seen “vitamin fortified” on a box? These are artificial vitamins made in the laboratory that the body does not recognize and will not use – and, in fact, it can “gum up the works”. See Natural vs Synthetic Supplements

Getting the right nutrients however will give the body what it needs to build healthy nerves again. Once the nerve is damaged it needs certain vitamins to build healthy nerves. An isolated B vitamin will not do that. It needs the various B vitamins to create health in the nerves. It is the nutritional support needed for neuropathy.z

To find out what the body needs for healthy nerves read Nerve Health

A Non-Toxic Cleaning Product

Yes.  I never knew how much cleaning my house made me feel tired and … well, I just didn’t want to do it.  It was the chemicals that I used.   Even when I bought brands in the health food store that were more natural then the many very toxic chemicals normally found on the shelves.

Here is an article on a Cleaning Product derived from a mix of essential oils (plant essense).   I have used it myself and I enjoy using it.   It not only cleans well, but it smells great.

Cleaning with Essential Oils, Cleaning without Toxins

How About Not Putting Toxins in Your Body

How?  One way is not to eat anything with toxins.  Interesting idea isn’t it.

So one of the dubious foods that are toxic, or worse, we don’t know that interfering with food will do.  I’m talking about GMOs.   Genetically Modified Organisms, doesn’t sound very healthy to me.

Here is some links that will take you to:

GMO Companies (they don’t want you to know

How to Know if Food is GMO

GMO & Non GMO Labeling on Produce

GMO Free Companies

And so you know why – what is GMO 

To your Health!

How to Boost the Immune System when it’s Weakened by an Underlying Health Condition

It is important to support the immune system. There is plenty being said about Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and other things (like sleep and staying away from sugar) to build a healthy immune system.

But for anyone with a degenerative condition or chronic illness, immune system support it vital. For instance, it has been found that most people with metabolic disorders and Metabolic Syndrome have a weakened immune system and this leads to more health complications.

You can get the immune system protection you need by using a potent formulation of beta-glucans

What is Beta-Glucans?

Beta-glucans is a scientifically proven biological response modifier (BRM) (BRM defined as “Substances that stimulate the body’s response to infection and disease”). These naturally help normalize this immune response.

Beta-glucans boosts the immune system in people whose body defenses have been weakened by health conditions.

Note: Beta glucans increases the immune system response. By increasing the immune system beta glucans might decrease the effectiveness of medications that decrease the immune system. Check with your doctor about any medications you are on that decrease the immune system response before taking beta-glucans.

There have been no reported side effects from taking beta-glucans by mouth.

Learn more about this with Immune Defense

Processed Food and Your Health

I have a quiz on my site to check on certain things that might stop someone from restoring health to their nerves.   One question is do they eat processed foods.

Actually, so many people say they don’t eat processed foods, that I begin to wonder if they know what that means.   However, what I want to communicate is that it is so important to read labels when buying food.  No, eggs, vegetables and meat are probably okay – well unless they come packages and then I would still check the labels.

Here is an article on checking labels…

You Have to Check the Labels to Find Healthy Foods

And  Processed Foods 


Skin Relief? Discover the Underlying Cause of Skin Problems

If you are like most people with a problem skin condition, you’ve spent countless hours researching solutions.  You’ve probably tried many different products with the hope of finding something that would improve your skin. Any non-optimum skin condition can cause embarrassment and affect self-esteem and quality of life.

What most people don’t know about the underlying cause of skin problems

Inflammation is at the core of most health issues. Unresolved, chronic inflammation is a feature of a wide range of chronic health conditions, including skin conditions.

Acute inflammation is a necessary, protective response of the body tissues to adverse stimuli, like irritants, or damaged cells due to injury. Acute inflammation lessens when the stimulus is removed. In contrast, chronic inflammation is an ongoing response to stimuli that doesn’t end and the longer it continues the more it causes cellular degeneration and damage.

In fact, chronic inflammation is recognized as one of the four primary factors that affect health and cause degeneration in the body.

What effect does chronic inflammation have on the body?

Chronic inflammation can affect the following:

  • Skin health and inflammatory skin conditions
  • Immune system health
  • Cardiovascular health – many heart attacks are caused by inflammation around the heart, and high blood pressure can be caused by inflammation of the blood vessels.

Dr. Robert Crea stated, “Tackling inflammation will be at the core of medicine for the next 20 years. Cellular inflammation, and trying to control it, is going to be at the core of medicine over the next 20 years and people want to manage it with natural compounds.”

What can you do about chronic inflammation?

The good news is you can do something about chronic inflammation. Eating more plant-based whole foods will help. In addition, taking a supplement designed to have a powerful, positive impact on chronic inflammation will provide extra anti-inflammatory support.

Dr. Robert Weiss says, “Plant-based whole foods are the most powerful disease modifying tools available to practitioners – more powerful than any drugs or surgeries.”

Treating skin conditions from the inside

If you have an unresolving skin issue it is very likely you have chronic inflammation in your body.

Most people try to tackle their skin condition with a topical solution, but creams, gels or lotions don’t always deliver the desired result.

Skin conditions need to be addressed from inside the body as that’s where the chronic inflammation is happening.


New Scientific Study… what does it mean?

Every other day it seems, there is a new study that is published which states that something is good for you or bad for you. It could be a study about food, or supplements, or how easy it is for you to get some dreaded disease. And there are many times that the study contradicts an earlier one.  And the next study contradicts that one. Do we believe them?

You need to know that studies are paid for by tax dollars and by companies that have a vested interest in the study. They are looking to prove that you should take a certain drug, or prescription vitamin, or that you should be wary of a specific way of living.

Vested interest means that they may be out to prove their hypothesis so they can sell you a drug or prevent you from using the competitor’s product.

Then there is the overwhelming problem, that one study doesn’t prove a thing. There are so many variables, that you can’t possible expect that a 100-300 person study (people who have been picked for the study) to show something conclusively.

So next time you decide you should not take something due to the “latest” study. Read up what it really is. Find out the science behind the nutritionally sound concept of nutrition or what your body needs to function.

Or investigate the actual studies and what other studies have been done – you can find them on

As new study claimed that low carbs will shorten your life,  here is a educational video by Dr. Berg giving you information about this latest study on Carbs   


To Your Health