What is the Cause of your Neuropathy?

I’ve heard time and time again, from someone suffering from neuropathy, that they don’t know the cause of their neuropathy, and that it was called idiopathic neuropathy by their doctor. That’s just a fancy word for not knowing the cause.

There is a long list of possible causes of neuropathy.   Neuropathy means nerve damage and any way in which a nerve can be damaged, can be the cause.   It is even found that sometimes there was some earlier nerve damage, but not enough for someone to notice until something else contributed to the damage and then it became obvious that something was wrong.   So you can have more than one cause of neuropathy.  It is sometimes a combination of things

Why is it important to know what caused the neuropathy?

When it comes to fixing the nerve damage, the cause doesn’t matter.   The body needs specific tools (nutrients in the form of specific vitamins) in order to repair the damaged nerve, however, knowing the cause or causes of the damage is important.

If something is causing nerve damage, it can continue to cause nerve damage and the condition can get worse.  With diabetes, its fairly simple, keep the blood sugars low so more damage is not created.   If you are continually exposed to a toxin that can cause nerve damage, you would stay away from that toxin.

An example:  If there are toxic chemicals in the person’s environment (cleaning or maybe paints, etc.), and the person is not aware that it can cause nerve damage, and they don’t stop doing whatever it is that is creating the problem then the condition just gets worse.    A painter constantly exposed to his chemicals can get nerve damage but it might not be enough to notice until a second cause is introduced, perhaps he has a food allergy and the food thus becomes toxic to him.   Now he has two causes, and he begins to know something is wrong.

There are many variations to this.    Maybe the painter instead of a food allergy is given a medication that has a possible side effect of nerve damage again he now begins to feel symptoms as the earlier damage is made worse.

There are things that cause neuropathy, they are definable and can be addressed to stop any more damage.

We have a page on the website McVitamins.com that gives you a list of all the possible things that are known to cause neuropathy.    When you see the various causes, you can spot the cause or you can locate the combination of things that create this problem.

You can see the list here http://www.mcvitamins.com/neuropathy-risk-factors-nerve-pain.htm

Here’s to your health.

How do you get good health when you lead a Fast Food Lifestyle?

In the 1950s, a movement was created to free the housewife of all the long hours of work it took to run a household. New gadgets abounded which helped her to cook and clean. If you look at the ads of the day, we find the latest modern convenience being advertised with this goal in mind. New types of dryers, new types of cookware, portable TVs, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners, etc. etc. Portable TVs seems to enable the housewife to watch TV wherever she was and thus be able to see the latest TV ads telling her what else she could buy to free up her time.

There were ads for new types of fabrics that you don’t have to iron. There were ads for the latest cleaning agents that cleaned things with less work. Little is said about the toxins that were added to the cookware, fabrics and cleaning solutions, but it makes things quicker.

Then the food industry caught on. Although already delivering canned and frozen foods, they started developing packaged foods, processed foods, instant cake mixes, instant coffee, and other instant types of beverages which helped shorten the time being spent on cooking. Nothing is said about what is added to the foods to keep them on the shelf longer or to enable them to be instant, etc. etc. but time spent cooking was shortened.

Then in the 60s, fast food restaurants opened up. Now you could herd you family into the local restaurant and for a minimum expense feed them. Of course, you were actually feeding them minimal nutrition as well, but it saved time.

So, yes, now that we are used to this, how do you reverse it and actually get food that is healthy but doesn’t take a long time to prepare. I’ve tried buying cooked foods at my local health food store, which is better than elsewhere but tends to be redundant, doesn’t really give you the foods that you want to eat, and you have to check the small print next to the printed of the food to be certain there isn’t something in the food that you don’t feel good about putting in your body. I’m always looking for evaporated cane juice which seems to be considered an okay way to assimilate sugar, or for the various names that MSG is called.

Yes, we are going to have to use those modern gadgets to figure out if they can make our cooking faster (mixers, food processors and vegetable juicers do help), but we really do have to confront preparing foods to get the most out of what we put into our mouths.

To your health,

Is Organic Produce Worth The Extra Cost? by Gretchen Scalpi

Found this article and wanted to pass it forward.

Is Organic Produce Worth The Extra Cost?

We all know it’s better to eat more fruit and vegetables. But concerns about the safety of conventionally grown produce versus organically grown always comes up as well.

When produce is organic, it means that it has been produced without using chemical fertilizers or pesticides. There are some compelling reasons why people choose to buy organic produce. The main reason to eat organic produce is to avoid the pesticide residue left on foods. Hands down, organically raised food is better for the environment. Absence of pesticides results in healthier soil, water, and wildlife. Buying organically grown produce supports small farmers and contributes to biodiversity.

Some people choose organic produce because they believe it has a higher nutritional value than commercially grown produce. The comparisons of nutritional content between food organically grown and conventionally grown produce, however, shows little difference. Consider also that much of the produce we buy today is not always locally grown. We have many fruits and vegetables to choose from year round because they have been shipped from other parts of the country (or the world). The fact that a fruit or vegetable is organic does not necessarily translate to nutritional superiority simply because it’s organic. If shipped from far away, it may already be past its nutritional peak.

For many health conscious families, the purchase of organic produce is cost prohibitive. As much as they would like to eat more organically grown food, they simply cannot afford the higher cost. Most of us have a food budget and have to make choices about what we buy, and perhaps a compromise is what’s called for. There are two things you can do to take advantage of organically grown produce as much as possible.

Buy local organic produce when it’s in season. In many parts of the USA, that means taking advantage of certain fruits and vegetables during the warmer months when available. Freezing or canning local organic produce is a possible option for when those items are out of season.

Buy conventionally grown produce from the “Clean 15” list, and organic only for those foods that are on the “The Dirty Dozen” list. The Dirty Dozen are the fruits and vegetables which have the largest amount of pesticide residues, and the Clean 15 have the least amount.

The “Clean 15”:

Sweet corn
Sweet peas
Kiwi fruit
Sweet potatoes
Sweet onions

The “Dirty Dozen”:

Domestic blueberries
Sweet bell peppers
Spinach, kale and collard greens
Imported grapes

When the warm weather arrives again, make a habit of visiting your local farmers’ markets and buy local organic produce throughout the season.

© 2013 Gretchen Scalpi. All rights reserved.

Gretchen Scalpi is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator. She is the author of “The Quick Start Guide To Healthy Eating”, “The Everything Guide to Managing and Reversing Pre-Diabetes”, “The Everything Diabetes Cookbook, 2nd ed.” and “Pre-Diabetes Your Second Chance At Health”. Use your organic produce in the recipes from her book “Quick Start Recipes For Healthy Meals” available at http://gretchenscalpi.com/quick-start-recipes/.

Get Ready for Summer – non-toxic products

Summer brings challenges due to the heat and the activities people do. And specific things are needed – sunscreen, insect repellent, etc. etc. etc.

Here is an article with tips for doing and feeling good in the summer AND a link to products that you can get which are non-toxic and uses pure plant medicine or essential oils.

Read article Summer Health

And don’t forget to check out the products toward the end of the article. for

Sunscreen SPF 10
Sunscreen SPF 50
Insect Repellent
After Sun Spray
Cooling Mist

Chicken Soup when You’re Sick

Okay, what is it about chicken soup that feels good when you’re sick?  Grandma and Mom were right — a bowl of chicken soup does make you feel better when you are sick.

Why this remedy?

Well, chicken soap contains cysteine, an amino acid that’s chemically similar to a bronchitis drug to help reduce inflammation. The broth also helps thin mucus, and the protein in the chicken helps you produce disease-fighting antibodies. It also contains zinc which has been called “nature’s penicillin”

Read More

A New Scientific Study…. What does it mean?

Every other day it seems, there is a new study that is published which states that something is good for you or bad for you. It could be a study about food, or supplements, or how easy it is for you to get some dreaded disease.   And there are many times that the study contradicts an earlier one   And the next study contradicts that one.

Do we believe them?

You need to know that studies are paid for by tax dollars and by companies that have a vested interest in the study.   They are looking to prove that you should take a certain drug, or prescription vitamin, or that you should be wary of a specific way of living.

Vested interest means that they may be out to prove their hypothesis so they can sell you a drug or prevent you from using the competitor’s product.

Then there is the overwhelming problem, that one study doesn’t prove a thing.   There are so many variables, that you can’t possible expect that a 100-300 person study (people who have been picked for the study) to show something conclusively.

So next time you decide you should not take something due to the “latest” study.  Read up what it really is.  Find out the science behind the nutritionally sound concept of nutrition or what your body needs to function.

Or investigate the actual studies and what other studies have been done – you can find them on PubMed.com

Periodontal Disease – What is it?

When a dentist tells you that you have periodontal disease, it is said with a very serious tone, and you might as well figure they will want to pull those teeth involved.  You will hear that there is no cure, and that a loose tooth means it has to come out.

Is that true?

What is periodontal disease?   Periodontal means “around the tooth”.  It means that the gum around the tooth has been irritated by bacteria.   It means the bone around the tooth has pulled away from the irritation and the tooth is now loose due to that.

So what can you do?

Read:  Periodontal Disease – find out what it is and what you can do.

Nutritional Deficiencies Can Cause All Sorts of Problems

Recently, I came upon an article in the NY Times about B12 deficiency and the types of symptoms it can create.    An interesting part of this article  is the many different diagnosis that were possible.   Fortunately, the deficiency was found and the patient recovered.

Today, I was shown an information about Depression and D3.   I’ve talked about Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Depression, and this is a different deficiency.    It is good to realize that they both can create this type of symptom.

Vast numbers of people have suffered through depression at some point in their lives. Depression takes a huge toll on individuals and has significant social and economic costs.  What if foods could be a key to helping people lift out of depression and reduce anxiety?   Nutritional Deficiencies

Never underestimate what vitamins deficiencies can do.

Healthy Eating

I’m always on the go and often go to Whole Foods to buy some prepared hot foods that I don’t mind eating.  That’s not all the economical and is restricted to what they offer on that day.

In an earlier blog post about the Fast Food Lifestyle and Health I was doing research on how to eat healthier while trying to save time.   Well, I haven’t gone through all the recipes out there to see how many of them I would trust, but I did find a good healthy cook book.   It is just out, is available on Kindle and has a lot of really good recipes that uses food that actually helps to burn fat…. in case you are interested.   The doctor feels that you don’t lose weight to be healthy, but get healthy to lose weight.   Healthy bodies don’t store fat.

I got the recipe book and haven’t gotten through all the recipes yet where I can evaluate them, but thought I’d pass it on as something you might be interested in.

The Book is called “Healthy Fat Burning Recipes” by Dr. Eric Berg and can be found on Amazon.   You can also find his other books there. 

Check it out.