A New Product for the Gut Health of Special Needs Children

Gut Health of Special Needs childrenFor the last 2 years we’ve been waiting for a new natural, nutritional formulation to help children with special needs. It has now been developed and it’s called Teknon, which means “child” in ancient Greek.

Teknon has been used in a trial in Dubai with many children and improvements were seen in digestion, sleep patterns, cognition, social communication skills, and behavior.

I am very excited to let you know that Teknon is now available in the US.

There is a webinar where John Payne, CEO of Purelife Health Sciences Group, speaks with Amal Tolba, Founder and Director of the Hope Abilitation and Medical Center in Dubai. John provides the science behind the development of Teknon and 2 success stories from US children it has helped.

This video already has almost 12,000 views on YouTube as there are so many parents around the world trying to help their special needs child.

Please watch the webinar video here:  Teknon

Find out more at Gut Health for Special Needs Children

Best wishes,