What do your Medical Tests Show?

Have you ever been confused because the doctor says there is nothing wrong with you, yet you feel terrible?  You know someone that had to have bypass surgery due to the fact that he had a lot of blockage?  The procedure saved his life.  But, why didn’t they catch it when it was 75% blockage of 50% or 30%.

A medical doctor will consider that a person is “healthy” if they don’t have a disease.  Their tests are designed to find disease.   This means that sometimes drastic measures need to be used to save a life.

What about health?   Isn’t it better to keep healthy?  Isn’t that the ultimate health insurance?   What you eat counts.  Getting exercise counts.   What do you need to do?

What is the difference between Structural Medicine (drugs and surgery) and Functional Medicine.   Treating disease as opposed to building health.

Read McVitamins, How to Survive In Spite of a Fast Food Lifestyle