Nutrition & Health – What is Good Nutrition?

Nutrition is an important subject, although often ignored by most medical doctors as secondary, somehow relegated to something that comes about by just normal day to day eating.   I’ve never been certain how they think that you can get enough nutrition from fast food restaurants, or the supermarket processed foods that most people consume.   Some doctors are catching on and recommending supplements but sometimes their understanding is limited in scope.   I keep asking when the subject will be reintroduced into medical schools so that we can have truly educated health care physicians in the medical field. (Did you know that homeopathy & herbal medicine was taught in medical schools before 1920?).

An example of ignoring nutrition was when a friend had gallstones, and her doctor wanted to remove her gallbladder. . II thought that the doctor would at least give her a diet which restricted some of the poor food choices she made, but no, he said she didn’t have to change her diet despite not having a gallbladder.   I was never sure why he didn’t think that diet had anything to do with gallstones.

Here is an article on nutrition that was published in “  which gives you a overview about nutrition and supplements.   Nutrition & Health

A Healthy Diet – Do You Know What That Is?


I’m amazed whenever I hear the words either in print or on radio or TV – “eat a healthy diet.”   The problem is that it is never defined.   Does a healthy diet mean you eat low fat?- some people believe that is true.   Or is it that you eat lots of fruit and vegetables?   What about protein – is meat okay?

I’ve  heard lots of bits and pieces, but mostly its just “a healthy diet”.  I’ve even heard that a healthy diet means you exercise … what?    Am I supposed to somehow innately know what that means?   Did I miss that in class one day?   Surely there must be a definition somewhere.

There used to be a food pyramid, that got replaced by a plate showing what should be on that plate each day.  Both seems rather silly and neither said anything about whether the food should be processed or GMO free.   I always wondered who made these up – someone in the government, but not who or why they thought this was the ideal diet.   I thought maybe they all voted on it.   It somehow was made up by “nutritional educators”.  Whoever that might be.

Try as I may, no one really gives you a definitive answer.   It’s funny too because I’ve never heard someone actually ask for a list of what to eat.  I never heard one of the health gurus come up what a list, or a guideline – just “eat a healthy diet”.

My search got some results.  I found a nutritionist who actually printed off a list of foods to eat.  Really.

You can read it here.   Good Food.

I’d be interested in seeing what you think.

And there is a Understanding Nutriton Course that will go to the basics of building good health.   Check it out Eat Well Course