A Healthy Diet – Do You Know What That Is?


I’m amazed whenever I hear the words either in print or on radio or TV – “eat a healthy diet.”   The problem is that it is never defined.   Does a healthy diet mean you eat low fat?- some people believe that is true.   Or is it that you eat lots of fruit and vegetables?   What about protein – is meat okay?

I’ve  heard lots of bits and pieces, but mostly its just “a healthy diet”.  I’ve even heard that a healthy diet means you exercise … what?    Am I supposed to somehow innately know what that means?   Did I miss that in class one day?   Surely there must be a definition somewhere.

There used to be a food pyramid, that got replaced by a plate showing what should be on that plate each day.  Both seems rather silly and neither said anything about whether the food should be processed or GMO free.   I always wondered who made these up – someone in the government, but not who or why they thought this was the ideal diet.   I thought maybe they all voted on it.   It somehow was made up by “nutritional educators”.  Whoever that might be.

Try as I may, no one really gives you a definitive answer.   It’s funny too because I’ve never heard someone actually ask for a list of what to eat.  I never heard one of the health gurus come up what a list, or a guideline – just “eat a healthy diet”.

My search got some results.  I found a nutritionist who actually printed off a list of foods to eat.  Really.

You can read it here.   Good Food.

I’d be interested in seeing what you think.

And there is a Eat Well Nutritional Education Course that will go to the basics of building good health.   Check it out Eat Well Course