Periodontal Disease – What is it?

When a dentist tells you that you have periodontal disease, it is said with a very serious tone, and you might as well figure they will want to pull those teeth involved.  You will hear that there is no cure, and that a loose tooth means it has to come out.

Is that true?

What is periodontal disease?   Periodontal means “around the tooth”.  It means that the gum around the tooth has been irritated by bacteria.   It means the bone around the tooth has pulled away from the irritation and the tooth is now loose due to that.

So what can you do?

Read:  Periodontal Disease – find out what it is and what you can do.

Dental Health – What does it mean?

Have you been given scary words to get you to come every 6 months to have your teeth scraped (“cleaned” or to fight back any “decay” by having holes drilled in your teeth and filled with foreign material. Well, there really is no other way to fight tooth loss and pain, right?


Start by finding out what those terms mean and then look at what can be done for Dental Health, not Dental Disease Care.

Read: Bleeding Gums, Receding Gums and Loose Teeth Why it happens and what you can do about it?