Autoimmune Diseases – So many drug commercials

Do you turn off the drug commercials on TV?

It is interesting as the majority of these commercials fall currently under three categories migraine, psych drugs (and their side effect tardive dyskinesia and autoimmune diseases.. None of these drugs go to the cause of the problem and are just band aids that come with side effects

I like to talk about them all but the one that i notice the most are the autoimmune medications. The ones about you skin being clear, or your arthritis, or IBS or….. All of which are autoimmune problems.

And what they are selling is a medication which lowers your immune response, thus lowers your immunity.    Per….. “affects your immune system. You may get infections more easily:. The ad on TV states you may be unable to fight infections

Yes, and one says it lowers the large amount of eosinophils – which are white blood cells. So the disease creates a strong immune response, but the medication lowers it.

Now interestingly, there is apparently a “link” with autoimmune and migraine per studies and research done.

We will address migraines in another article as well as tardive dyskinesia which is actually a side effect of the drugs they give for “mental health”. TD as they now call it, is connected with a lack of B12. Yes we will get to that article as well.

But autoimmune seems to be the number one target …people do suffer from the itchy, blotchy skin problems as well as digestive problems, etc. all of which are really autoimmune problems.

To address these issues – build health.



And see our index on Educate Yourself and Take Control of your Health

We have found a great education course that will teach you the basics of nutrition so you can apply it to your diet and the diet of your family.
Eat Well Nutritional Education Course – How to Build Health 

The Holidays are Over – Now What about your Health

I know that people are not too interested in their health when shopping, wrapping presents, attending parties and eating  holiday cookies?   It is the season for good friends and family to get together.

However, it is January.   It is time to attend to your health.

What about the New Year Resolutions?

What is your resolution?

To lose weight – See Diets

To Get Healthy – See Ketogenic Diet & Dr. Berg’s Book

Quit Smoking

To get your life back – See Health Conditions

& the McVitamins Index