Do you treat the symptoms or the cause of the problem?

I’ve come across this quite often where some health problem is treated by addressing the symptom instead of finding out why that symptom exists and treating that.  How many medical doctors think that they are naturopaths by addressing sleep with tart cherry instead of a drugs.  But they are still treating the symptoms.  Finding out why the person can’t sleep and treating that would be a nutritional handling of the problem.

Here is a video done by Dr. Eric Berg on What is the Cause of Fatigue?   He goes over this exact point.

Too Much Cortisol or Too Little? What about your Adrenals?

When the body is on constant alert as it thinks its in a non-survival situation, it creates a lot of cortisol – the flight or fight hormone.   But what happens when your body has been doing that for so long that it has low cortisol and exhausted adrenals.

You can read about what you can do to support your adrenals Adrenal Fatigue

Something that will help Adrenal Fatigue

What about Adrenal Exhaustion?   Here is a product by Dr. Eric Berg that is designed for Adrenal Exhaustion 

Check them out.