Processed Food and Your Health

I have a quiz on my site to check on certain things that might stop someone from restoring health to their nerves.   One question is do they eat processed foods.

Actually, so many people say they don’t eat processed foods, that I begin to wonder if they know what that means.   However, what I want to communicate is that it is so important to read labels when buying food.  No, eggs, vegetables and meat are probably okay – well unless they come packages and then I would still check the labels.

Here is an article on checking labels…

You Have to Check the Labels to Find Healthy Foods

And  Processed Foods 


Skin Relief? Discover the Underlying Cause of Skin Problems

If you are like most people with a problem skin condition, you’ve spent countless hours researching solutions.  You’ve probably tried many different products with the hope of finding something that would improve your skin. Any non-optimum skin condition can cause embarrassment and affect self-esteem and quality of life.

What most people don’t know about the underlying cause of skin problems

Inflammation is at the core of most health issues. Unresolved, chronic inflammation is a feature of a wide range of chronic health conditions, including skin conditions.

Acute inflammation is a necessary, protective response of the body tissues to adverse stimuli, like irritants, or damaged cells due to injury. Acute inflammation lessens when the stimulus is removed. In contrast, chronic inflammation is an ongoing response to stimuli that doesn’t end and the longer it continues the more it causes cellular degeneration and damage.

In fact, chronic inflammation is recognized as one of the four primary factors that affect health and cause degeneration in the body.

What effect does chronic inflammation have on the body?

Chronic inflammation can affect the following:

  • Skin health and inflammatory skin conditions
  • Immune system health
  • Cardiovascular health – many heart attacks are caused by inflammation around the heart, and high blood pressure can be caused by inflammation of the blood vessels.

Dr. Robert Crea stated, “Tackling inflammation will be at the core of medicine for the next 20 years. Cellular inflammation, and trying to control it, is going to be at the core of medicine over the next 20 years and people want to manage it with natural compounds.”

What can you do about chronic inflammation?

The good news is you can do something about chronic inflammation. Eating more plant-based whole foods will help. In addition, taking a supplement designed to have a powerful, positive impact on chronic inflammation will provide extra anti-inflammatory support.

Dr. Robert Weiss says, “Plant-based whole foods are the most powerful disease modifying tools available to practitioners – more powerful than any drugs or surgeries.”

Treating skin conditions from the inside

If you have an unresolving skin issue it is very likely you have chronic inflammation in your body.

Most people try to tackle their skin condition with a topical solution, but creams, gels or lotions don’t always deliver the desired result.

Skin conditions need to be addressed from inside the body as that’s where the chronic inflammation is happening.


New Scientific Study… what does it mean?

Every other day it seems, there is a new study that is published which states that something is good for you or bad for you. It could be a study about food, or supplements, or how easy it is for you to get some dreaded disease. And there are many times that the study contradicts an earlier one.  And the next study contradicts that one. Do we believe them?

You need to know that studies are paid for by tax dollars and by companies that have a vested interest in the study. They are looking to prove that you should take a certain drug, or prescription vitamin, or that you should be wary of a specific way of living.

Vested interest means that they may be out to prove their hypothesis so they can sell you a drug or prevent you from using the competitor’s product.

Then there is the overwhelming problem, that one study doesn’t prove a thing. There are so many variables, that you can’t possible expect that a 100-300 person study (people who have been picked for the study) to show something conclusively.

So next time you decide you should not take something due to the “latest” study. Read up what it really is. Find out the science behind the nutritionally sound concept of nutrition or what your body needs to function.

Or investigate the actual studies and what other studies have been done – you can find them on

As new study claimed that low carbs will shorten your life,  here is a educational video by Dr. Berg giving you information about this latest study on Carbs   


To Your Health

Dental Work & Surgery Nerve Problems?

It is common for people to experience different nerve damage symptoms after dental work. This is especially true of dental surgery and implants.

During the procedure, the nerve can be damaged. Yes, it most probably will get better in a few months if it isn’t extensive damage.

But are you willing to put up with numbness, and pain, tingling, etc. for 6 months? Why not give your body a head start in restoring your nerve health.

Read: Dental Work and Nerve Damage

B1 Deficiency, it mimics so many diseases

I have known B1 (thiamine) to be such an important vitamin.  It is so involved with your health.

But then I found an educational video by Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. about what a deficiency of B1 will do.   It is very informative.

I think with so many people depleting B1 by using caffeine, sugar, medical drugs, processed foods etc. etc.  that this is important to know.   I can affect the conditions such as  lack of tears, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, and even memory problems.   But, etc. etc. etc.

Here is the video:

B 1 Deficiency

Do Drugs Save Lives?

I’ve heard people say this.  It really doesn’t seem to be a thought out comment but one which “everybody knows”.  I will sometimes hear it when I recommend natural medicine or remedy.

My question will be  – Why would you take a petrochemical pharmaceutical instead of natural medicine?  The answer – Because drugs save lives?

Well, when a person has neglected their health to the point where they are about to succumb to a bad infection due to a compromised immune system or succumb to heart disease, or any other ailment, it will save their life – well it will extend their life.   But, that is the point at which you need to start building health. And actually building health is a good idea to do before you need to have your life saved by taking drugs.

But my question is why you would take a drug when there are so many alternatives that are safe and work just as well.  Why are people so afraid for their health that they would get a “flu shot” or take a “mold” based product (better known as penicillin)?  What is the matter with their immune system?  Yes, the flu can be very detrimental to someone with a  compromised immune system. But what happened that their immune system became compromised.

The missing step is maintaining health, and building health if it is compromised.

I haven’t known many medical doctors who will give you any advice on being healthy other than to tell you to exercise and to eat a healthy diet.  A medical doctor works to help you maintain your disease once you have one, so it doesn’t get any worse.  They are not in the business of building health.

So, maybe the right approach is building health and not eating what has been referred to as S.A.D. – the Standard American Diet.

Find out what your body needs to be healthy and make sure that you get all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the foods that you eat. Or supplement if you can not get enough.   Eat for your health, not for your taste buds. is a nutritional educational site with lots of information about building health.   Here is our Site Index

To your health –

Aging and Staying Active

I’ve heard of yoga as a tool for aging. But then I read this article that was written for caregivers, but which can be used by anyone to be more active and mobile. It is full of really good information so I put it on the MCVitamins page on Aging.

But you can go directly to read it here Yoga & Seniors

Do you want to take a Supplement that Include Herbs? – What you should know

There are a lot of remedies on the market that includes herbs. Of course, the first thing you should check is the quality of any supplement whether herb or vitamin. Cheaper brands are not necessarily going to give you quality ingredients that will give you results. Here is an article on this Buying Less Expensive Supplements – Is it Worth It?

But on the subject of herbs especially regarding neuropathy, one needs to know the following.

Herbs cannot be taken in some cases with certain medications. You need to check with your pharmacist to see if the herbs and your medications are compatible.  Pharmacists have a database that they can check.

As an example: There are no clinical trials showing that any herb can help repair the nerve damage that is neuropathy. Nor can it build healthy nerves. They do have some value in increasing blood flow, or calming the body, but not in the actual repair of the nerve which is what causes the neuropathy symptoms.

There are many products being advertised as helping neuropathy with 4 or 5 different herbs extracts in them. It is questionable whether they have been tested together, and since there are no trials regarding neuropathy, questionable as to whether they will help or not.

A number of herbs taken together often causes stomach problems, such as heart burn.  They can create more problems.

Check out all the herbs in a formula. Remember, this is not like a herb tea, made by boiling the herb leaves, or sprinkled in your salad. These are herb extracts in much more potent amounts then found in nature.

See a Pharmacists Video on How to take Supplements Safely


Why is it important to read the literature that comes with Your Medication

Most people throw it away or stick it somewhere and don’t ever read it. Well, your doctor told you how to take it and the instructions on when to take it is on the bottle, so……..?

The literature that comes with each prescription is not only good to read because it gives you a better idea of what you are taking, BUT it also lists the possible side effects of what you are daily. putting into your body.

Why is it important? What if the side effect felt like something else? what if you thought it just something that happened to your all the time and you took your normal OTC medication to help it. You had a headache and so you took your pain killer. And then it got worse and you don’t know what to do. You never thought that the headache had anything to do with the drug you are taking. Did you read the possible side effects?

Okay, here is the worst case scenario that I know of. (I’m sure there are plenty more). I was working with a mother to help her teenage son to work on getting healthy. He had been put on psychiatric medications. It was hard to get off of them and the doctors were trying different medications to see if they could help him. In order to help him, the added a drug Abilify. He seemed to be okay. His mother called me often to just talk about what she could do to help him build health, like getting him off of sugar, etc. He had been on the new drug for a week or so. She started to tell me some of the things that were happening at that time and felt it was just more “mental problems”. However, I knew the possible side effects of Abilify. He had them all and from what I read this could be very dangerous. She called his doctor right away who immediately took him off of it.

Fortunately, i had read the various side effects and recognized what was actually happening to her son. If she had diligently read the literature for the side effects of the drugs he was taking, she would have recognized it earlier.

So, it is important to read the literature. And if you threw the literature away, you could always go to  They post the literature.