Dental Health – What does it mean?

Have you been given scary words to get you to come every 6 months to have your teeth scraped (“cleaned” or to fight back any “decay” by having holes drilled in your teeth and filled with foreign material. Well, there really is no other way to fight tooth loss and pain, right?


Start by finding out what those terms mean and then look at what can be done for Dental Health, not Dental Disease Care.

Read: Bleeding Gums, Receding Gums and Loose Teeth Why it happens and what you can do about it?

Does Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Feel Worse in the Holiday Season?

Have you noticed it yourself?  Whatever it is that you were doing that was helping, doesn’t seem to work.   What changed?   Is it the weather?

Have you noticed that your diet changes after Thanksgiving?   Thanksgiving is an  eating holiday followed by pies, desserts and Christmas cookies. Most religions have holidays at this time of the year and celebrate the same way – with food.

Are you now eating more often with friends and attending parties (with friends and at work)?

So what does this have to do with neuropathy?

Here is an article that will give you a good idea.  Slow down Building Healthy Nerves

Acne from Wearing a Mask?

Yes, its not a joke, many people who have to wear masks for long hours and are prone to acne will develop what is now called Maskne.

You can read about it on this page, it includes what you can do and even the clinical trials that back this up.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome – What is it, What to do about it

It is an intestinal disorder.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both.

Only a small number of people have severe signs and symptoms.

Most people with IBS experience times when the symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely.

What are the TIPS to relieving this problem   IBS TIPS

Insulin Does More than Lowering Blood Sugar

Insulin is necessary, but too much Insulin due to high amounts of sugar and carbs leads to Insulin Resistance and eventually to diabetes if not addressed properly.  There is good evidence that high amounts of insulin in the blood leads to coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other problems.

Cutting down on insulin by eating fats, protein and veggies will not only cut so much insulin in the blood stream but will also get insulin resistant cells to be insulin sensitive – a good thing.

There is a lot written about this.   Most often the Ketogenic Diet is considered a way to lose weight – but so much more.  The theory you don’t get healthy by losing weight, you get Healthy to Lose Weight.

But even if you aren’t overweight, building health is a good thing.

Read more about Insulin Resistance

And  Insulin does a Lot more than Lower Blood Glucose

Dr. Berg’s Meal Replacement Shake with MCTs – FAT BURNING

Dr. Berg created an amazing fat burning meal replacement shake to combine healthy with delicious. The ultimate fat burning shake would have moderate protein, higher amounts of healthy fats and no sugar.    It is Ketogenic friendly.\

What is MCTs?

What are MCTs?

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are healthy fats that are burned by the body for energy, or ‘fuel’, instead of being stored as fat.* These MCTs are sourced from coconut oil. MCTs can turn into ketones, which provide an alternative fuel source for greater fat burning potential.

Read about this Meal Replacement

Flu Activity is High this Season? What can be done?

There is a lot of talk this year about how bad the flu is, they even report on the news of  the deaths.   The actual numbers vary greatly depending on  you are talking to?   And which “news” station you listen to.  But getting the flu is never pleasant.    Of course, they are also talking about getting a flu shot?   Does that work?

I’ve heard from many people how they got the flu shot and still got the flu, but then the answer has been, it would have been worse if they didn’t get the flu shot.   I’m skeptical.  I know one person who rarely gets sick much less gets a flu, but her doctor talked her into getting one this year.  Yes, she got sick.

Whatever you think about this, you should some information to help with the flu if you do get it (or even if you get a cold)

Here is our article on Flu

And, of course, the right thing to do is build a healthy immune system

Electrolytes, why are they important?

Electrolytes are important to your health.   You can’t always get enough in your food.

Why are they important to your health?

Electrolytes are the smallest of chemicals that are important for the cells in the body to function and allow the body to work. The major electrolytes  found within the body include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium – there are others.

Electrolytes are critical in allowing cells to generate energy, maintain the stability of the cell walls, and to function in general. Electrolytes generate electricity, contract muscles, move water and fluids within the body inside and outside of the cells, and participate in many other activities.

The concentration of electrolytes in the body is controlled by hormones, most of which are manufactured in the kidney and the adrenal glands. There are specialized kidney cells that monitor the amount of sodium, potassium, and water in the bloodstream.

The body functions in a very narrow range of normal, and it is hormones keep the electrolyte balance within those normal limits.

An example of keeping electrolyte concentrations in balance includes turning on the thirst mechanism when the body gets dehydrated.

See Article – Electrolytes  

How to easily get enough

Real Food Is a Potent Ally Against Depression

Here is an article by Dr. Mercola that we wanted to pass on.  He has some great data on the cause of depression due to diet.

Here is his article:

  • Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, affecting an estimated 322 million people globally, including more than 16 million Americans, 6 million of whom are seniors
  • Research shows nutrition is a crucial factor in depression, and researchers have suggested diet is an important yet overlooked aspect of psychiatry
  • Recent research found seniors who followed the DASH diet were 11 percent less likely to develop depression over the following six years, whereas those following a standard Western diet had the highest rates of depression
  • Other studies have shown that unprocessed foods, especially fermented foods, help optimize your gut microbiome, thereby supporting optimal mental health, whereas sugar, wheat (gluten) and processed foods have been linked to a greater risk for depression, anxiety and even suicide
  • Your gut communicates to your brain via your vagus nerve and the stress pathway in your endocrine system, and by producing mood-boosting neurotransmitters. These links help explain why your gut health has such a significant impact on your mental health

See the entire article

Real Food Is a Potent Ally Against Depression (with Dr. Mercola, you have to go to his website and search, he doesn’t allow links) go to and search.