Sciatica – what is it really?

I had a friend with severe sciatica.   She could hardly walk and was bent over in an attempt to not have so much pain.    She had seen the chiropractor as the nerve was compressed  and after a few adjustments, she was still feeling the pain.   Seemed to be that the nerve was injured and needed some help, so treated it like nerve damage (neuropathy) and gave her the RHP Nerve Support Formula.   She told me that 5 days later she was completely good with no more pain or problem.

So here is an article I put together about sciatica and what to do about it.


To you health!

Can Fungus Be Your Problem?

There is a show on TV and website called Know the Cause.  It explores health issues and especially those connected to fungus. The food we eat can be full of fungus and it can create health problems.  Mold in the house can bring on fungal  infections…. it goes on. 

A primary mission for Know the Cause is to counsel all audiences on achieving optimum health by avoiding poisonous fungal byproducts called “mycotoxins.” 

I wanted to introduce this site as it has a lot of good information.  You can also look to see when it is on TV in your area, but you can also watch the shows on the site   Pretty good.

The site is

To your health!


Nutrition & Health – What is Good Nutrition?

Nutrition is an important subject, although often ignored by most medical doctors as secondary, somehow relegated to something that comes about by just normal day to day eating.   I’ve never been certain how they think that you can get enough nutrition from fast food restaurants, or the supermarket processed foods that most people consume.   Some doctors are catching on and recommending supplements but sometimes their understanding is limited in scope.   I keep asking when the subject will be reintroduced into medical schools so that we can have truly educated health care physicians in the medical field. (Did you know that homeopathy & herbal medicine was taught in medical schools before 1920?).

An example of ignoring nutrition was when a friend had gallstones, and her doctor wanted to remove her gallbladder. . II thought that the doctor would at least give her a diet which restricted some of the poor food choices she made, but no, he said she didn’t have to change her diet despite not having a gallbladder.   I was never sure why he didn’t think that diet had anything to do with gallstones.

Here is an article on nutrition that was published in “  which gives you a overview about nutrition and supplements.   Nutrition & Health

Vitamin B May Protect Against Alzheimer’s and More

The reference by Dr. Mercola talks about homocysteine being lowered in the body in the presence of vitamin B.  I was interested in forwarding this as homecysteine has also always been associated with heart disease and more and now with Alzheimers.

Why?  The body needs cysteine.  It is vital to making Glutathione. Go to the link if you want to know more about Glutathione, the body’s master anti-oxidant).

Homeocysteine is part of a reaction in the body and is supposed to convert to cysteine.  But it needs B vitamins to convert.   Thus the need for the B vitamins.

Here is what the article is about:

B vitamins may slow brain shrinkage by as much as seven-fold in brain regions specifically known to be most impacted by Alzheimer’s disease

High levels of the amino acid homocysteine are linked to brain shrinkage and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s; B vitamins are known to suppress homocysteine

Among participants taking high doses of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12, blood levels of homocysteine were lowered as was the associated brain shrinkage – by up to 90 percent

To view the full article, go to and search on B Vitamins and Alzheimer’s

Gluten Free Foods – a “Healthy Choice”

You have probably noticed a growing number of processed food products boasting with a label that says “Gluten-Free”.  It is the healthy choice?

It is interesting that a lot of people have gluten-free diets – they eat fruit, vegetables, meat – not processed foods.    But now you can actually buy ‘gluten-free’ pizza among many other gluten-free foods – cookies, cereals, breads, etc.

What does this all mean?   I decided to find out and here is an article on this

Gluten Free Foods – Are they healthy?

Grains – Are they good for you?

A lot of us know we can’t eat wheat. There are those who have “celiac’s disease” and then there are those who know that wheat and other grains just don’t agree with their digestive system.

There are many drugs available for the symptoms that are created by the problems many people have with digestion. And one has to ask the question, are these drugs necessary? Or is it something that I ate?

Here is an article on Grains

Do you take herbs for Neuropathy?

I’ve have found at least four different neuropathy products claiming to repair nerves, or handle neuropathy symptoms, that contain herbs.  I’ve written about herbs before as they aren’t nutrients that the body needs to grow and repair itself (ie. protein, vitamins, minerals, etc). They act like drugs in so far as they force the body to do something it normally doesn’t do.  It is also hard to determine the strength of the herb you are taking as they aren’t like the herbs you drink in tea or put on your salad, they are extracts and thus you don’t really know the quality or strength of what you are taking.

Herbs may relieve the symptoms of neuropathy, but relief in the sense that they cover up the symptoms and you have to keep taking the herbs to get that relief.  They don’t go to the cause of the problem.

Herbs also have side effects and can’t be taken with different medications.

First, if you are on medications and want to take any herbal remedy, please go to your pharmacist.  The pharmacies have a database to check whether the drug and the herb will conflict.

Here is an article with a list of the many herbs touted for neuropathy.  It talks about side effects and how long you can safely take them.

There is a link on this page to an article about the problem of taking herbs for neuropathy and that page has a link to a video by a pharmacist telling you how to take herbs safely if you want to. to. She talks about taking one at a time so you can judge what the herb is doing for you.

But rather than tell you what she says you can go directly to the page where you can find it Taking Herbs 

What is herbal medicine?

This is an interesting subject.  People seem to confuse using the 40 vital nutrients your body needs with herbs which can help the body heal, but is really doesn’t go to the cause of the problem.

In 1920, a report was done in order to “standardize’ medicine.  It was called the Flexnor report after the person who did the “research”.  The new standard was drugs and surgery.  Before that time, medical schools taught the traditional medications – herbology and homeopathy.

Herbs are natural (not a chemical made in a lab) and have healing properties.

Here is the article.

What is herbal medicine?