Digestion Problems – Is it your Stomach or Liver?

There are many people who complain about digestive problems. They take all sorts of prescription medications and over the counter remedies.   They take natural products as well.  It has a lot of people’s attention.

If people burp or feel nausea, they usually blame their stomach and sometimes just decide it’s too much acid and take an anti-acid tablet.

There is something to understand – If it was the correct reason, you could solve it.   If the problem keeps happening, it’s probably the wrong reason and thus you don’t have a correct solution.   If you take a remedy and it doesn’t solve the problem, you need to find out more.   You need more information.

I’ve posted a video in our newsletter that talks about the gallbladder – BUT – there is a lot of good information about your digestive system and how it works that might give you a better insight into what is happening with you.   Do watch it.   You and Your Gallbladder.

Medication Side Effects and Nutritional Deficiencies

Ever listen to a drug commercial and their disclaimer at the end where they tell you all the possible side effects.   Or did you ever check on the potential side effects of a drug you are taking on one of the sites www.rxlist.com or drugs.com.  You might wonder what can create so many problems.

Well, it is true that a drug is a chemical that is unnatural to the body and is actually a toxin to the body, but due to those very properties they force the body to make some corrections, or at the very least cover up the symptoms of whatever it is that is a problem.

Read the Article  Medication Side Effects and Nutritional Deficiencies


The Safety of Vitamin B6

by Bob Held

The Linus Pauling Institute found that adverse effects have only been documented from Vitamin B6 supplements and never from food sources.

Therefore, safety concerning only the supplemental form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, also called pyridoxine hydrochloride) is discussed here.

Although vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin and is excreted in the urine, long-term supplementation with very high doses of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) may result in painful neurological symptoms known as sensory neuropathy.

Symptoms include pain and numbness of the extremities and in severe cases, difficulty walking. Sensory neuropathy typically develops at doses of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) in excess of 1,000 mg a day.

However, there have been a few case reports of individuals who developed sensory neuropathies at doses of less than 500 mg of Vitamin B6 daily over a period of months.

None of the studies in which a neurological examination was performed reported evidence of sensory nerve damage at intakes below 200 mg of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) daily.

To prevent sensory neuropathy in virtually all individuals, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper intake level for pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) at 100 mg/day for adults.

To your health.


What is Optic Neuropathy?

There is a lot to be said about neuropathy – it’s nerve damage.   Any nerve in the body can be damaged and each one creates different symptoms and problems.   There are optic nerves and like any other neuropathy can create health challenges.    We have a article on our website about optic neuropathy,  You can read about it here

Optic Neuropathy

Confused about what to take for Neuropathy relief?

If you go on line and search for “natural remedies or treatments for neuropathy”, you’ll find all sorts of different vitamins and herbs talked about. One says to take this, and another one says no, you take this, or maybe this and that.   Do you take everything?  Is it confusing?  Well, maybe there is a way to sort it out.

You have to first look at what the problem really is.   No matter what the cause of the neuropathy, it is nerve damage.  The nerve has been damaged and the body needs to repair that damage.  They body will do that, if fixes cuts all the time.   But why doesn’t it just fix the damaged nerve that is giving you those stabbing pains, or the burning, tingling, and many other symptoms of this damage?

In actuality, the body can replace damaged nerves, if it didn’t do this whenever you cut your finger, you would get a numb spot because the nerve wouldn’t be working.   Then why does neuropathy develop to a point where the body doesn’t build healthy nerves and in some cases continues to get worse.

If you damage a nerve when you cut your finger, the body uses specific nutrients (vitamins) to repair the nerve.   However, it can only use the vitamins that are available. If there is significant damage to the nerves – such as damage caused by continuous high blood sugar in diabetes, a major trauma from a car wreck,  damage from bacteria or viral infections, etc., your body may not have sufficient amounts of the nutrients it needs to repair the nerve.

You may not be getting sufficient vitamins from the food you eat.  And the vitamins needed (mostly B vitamins) can get used up by other environmental factors, such as riding the body of toxins from foods and the air we breathe,  drinking beverages with caffeine, smoking, physical and mental stress and many other things that use up B vitamins. In fact, sometimes when the doctor says that the neuropathy is from unknown causes, it could be from a number of the factors that can create nerve damage, which means the body is fighting a big battle and needs a lot more vitamins then are usually available.

What is actually needed?

The B vitamins – B1 and B12 are vital to building healthy nerves.   Folic acid is needed to activate the B12.  You need D3.   You also need B2 and B6 in small quantities.

Now you also have to understand that B vitamins are usually water soluble.   This means that they wash out of the body rather quickly.   And you have to remember that the body is in need of these vitamins in its quest to build healthy nerves.  It’s having a hard time getting enough.

There are, however, forms of these B vitamins that are fat soluble and thus when the body breaks it down, the B vitamins are delivered into the blood stream (don’t let the fat soluble fool you, it won’t store in the body, it breaks down) and in the process, the cells get the much needed B vitamins.  There are also forms of B vitamins that are much more easily assimilated by the body

No, the body doesn’t need herbs, or other fatty acids to fix the nerves.  It might bring temporary relief but you have to keep taking it.    It needs its normal building blocks – vitamins – to re-build the nerves.

You can check our website www.mcvitamins.com for articles about the different types of solutions to this and many other problems.   Just go to our Search box and type in what you want to know.

To your health!

For treating neuropathy go to this article on Neuropathy Relief
Yes, they have success stores and are doctor recommended.

You have to Check the Labels, and more – Healthy Foods

There was a time when shopping at a Health Food Store pretty much assured that you got whole foods without pesticides, hidden sugars or chemicals.   That time has passed.

It is now popular to be natural and healthy.   But once something becomes popular, you are now assured that there are marketers out there that are looking to trick you into buying their products.

First you have to check the labels on any processed foods.  What is really in them?  Make sure you know what each of the ingredients mean.   An example is MSG, which has a long list of of names that actually mean they include MSG.

Emergen-C has been around for a long time.  It’s quite popular.   The company has been bought out by a drug company – Pfizer.   Yes, the world’s biggest drug company.  Pfizer has a history of health care fraud and illegal marketing of its products now wants to sell you Vitamin C.   Their big name multi-vitamin is Centrum.   This is a popular brand due to their advertising, but is actually a collection of man-made vitamins created in the lab.   In fact, people complain about side effects from taking Centrum including headaches and gassy stomach.    What will they do to the vitamin C formula?

Do you like fruit juices?  You can buy many different combinations that sound delicious and are touted as healthy.  But are they what they say they are?   Naked Juice is a popular brand which is owned by the Pepsi Cola Company.  There is a lawsuit due to the fact that their advertising states they are natural but their ingredients are not.  They are being sued for using GMOs and synthetic substances in its “Non-GMO” and “All-Natural” products.  They are hardly “all natural”.

There are more.  The bottom line is that you have to be careful about any processed foods and supplements that you buy.   You have to check the labels.

Here is a site that gives you information on GMO Foods http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com/

On supplements, remember to look for whole food supplements, the type that your body recognizes as food, not made in a laboratory.    Some info is here http://www.mcvitamins.com/natural-vs-synthetic.htm

And for that long list of names that mean MSG   http://www.mcvitamins.com/Causes%20of%20Neuropathy/toxins-cause-neuropathy.htm#A    Boy, was I upset when I found a “homemade” soup at a health food store that I liked and checked the ingredients.  Yes, one of the ingredients listed was another name for MSG.  You have to be vigilant.

To your health!

What is the Cause of your Neuropathy?

I’ve heard time and time again, from someone suffering from neuropathy, that they don’t know the cause of their neuropathy, and that it was called idiopathic neuropathy by their doctor. That’s just a fancy word for not knowing the cause.

There is a long list of possible causes of neuropathy.   Neuropathy means nerve damage and any way in which a nerve can be damaged, can be the cause.   It is even found that sometimes there was some earlier nerve damage, but not enough for someone to notice until something else contributed to the damage and then it became obvious that something was wrong.   So you can have more than one cause of neuropathy.  It is sometimes a combination of things

Why is it important to know what caused the neuropathy?

When it comes to fixing the nerve damage, the cause doesn’t matter.   The body needs specific tools (nutrients in the form of specific vitamins) in order to repair the damaged nerve, however, knowing the cause or causes of the damage is important.

If something is causing nerve damage, it can continue to cause nerve damage and the condition can get worse.  With diabetes, its fairly simple, keep the blood sugars low so more damage is not created.   If you are continually exposed to a toxin that can cause nerve damage, you would stay away from that toxin.

An example:  If there are toxic chemicals in the person’s environment (cleaning or maybe paints, etc.), and the person is not aware that it can cause nerve damage, and they don’t stop doing whatever it is that is creating the problem then the condition just gets worse.    A painter constantly exposed to his chemicals can get nerve damage but it might not be enough to notice until a second cause is introduced, perhaps he has a food allergy and the food thus becomes toxic to him.   Now he has two causes, and he begins to know something is wrong.

There are many variations to this.    Maybe the painter instead of a food allergy is given a medication that has a possible side effect of nerve damage again he now begins to feel symptoms as the earlier damage is made worse.

There are things that cause neuropathy, they are definable and can be addressed to stop any more damage.

We have a page on the website McVitamins.com that gives you a list of all the possible things that are known to cause neuropathy.    When you see the various causes, you can spot the cause or you can locate the combination of things that create this problem.

You can see the list here http://www.mcvitamins.com/neuropathy-risk-factors-nerve-pain.htm

Here’s to your health.