What is Reflux, GERD and Heartburn?

Have you ever suffered from heartburn, felt acid in your throat or having had this repeatedly told you you had a disease called GERD?   GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

Where you told that your stomach had too much acid and given antiacid medications?  Did it work?

Where you told that it was due to a problem with the valve at the top of the stomach?  What remedies where you given?

Well, here is anew look at these ailments, what really happens and what you can do about it which brings relief.

Acid Reflux, GERD & Heartburn

Why Supplements Send People to the ER

Now that is scary, isn’t it?  Can the supplements I take be so bad for my health that I can wind up in the ER?

There was this quiz and I am skeptical that it wasn’t just written by the drug companies who want you to switch from taking things to build your health to taking their drugs.  But it might be someone with incorrect information trying to make sure you chose wisely.

Either way, here is an article written that evaluates this.

Why Supplements Send People to the ER

Sinus Infection & Fungus

Time after time you hear from others or from yourself, that despite constant treatment with antibiotics, their sinus infection continues to return.

There are many symptoms, and it makes life miserable. No matter how often you go to the doctor and how many different antibiotics you try, nothing seems to work.

When a remedy doesn’t work, you are addressing the wrong problem.  Maybe it isn’t bacteria that is causing the infection.

Read: Sinus Infection & Fungus

Worried About Taking Vitamin B6?

Some people have asked about the vitamin B6 they are taking as a result of using the Nerve Support Formula. This question is one that people ask about any B6 in any formula.

The Linus Pauling Institute found that adverse effects have only been documented from vitamin B6 supplements and never from food sources.

Therefore, safety concerning only the supplemental form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, also called pyridoxine hydrochloride) is discussed here.

Although vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin and is excreted in the urine, long-term supplementation with very high doses of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) may result in painful neurological symptoms known as sensory neuropathy.

Symptoms include pain and numbness of the extremities and in severe cases, difficulty walking. Sensory neuropathy typically develops at doses of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) in excess of 1,000 mg a day.

However, there have been a few case reports of individuals who developed sensory neuropathies at doses of less than 500 mg of Vitamin B6 daily over a period of months.

None of the studies in which a neurological examination was performed reported evidence of sensory nerve damage at intakes below 200 mg of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) daily.

To prevent sensory neuropathy in virtually all individuals, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper intake level for pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) at 100 mg/day for adults.

Please let me know if this answers any questions you might have had on this subject.