Coffee – Friend or Foe of Heart Health?

healthy coffeeThere is solid research behind why 1–3 cups of coffee a day can actually protect against heart disease.  Here’s how:

1. It contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation

Coffee is loaded with compounds like chlorogenic acid, which help reduce oxidative stress (which damages blood vessels and LDL cholesterol) It will
lower inflammation, which is a key trigger for plaque rupture and clots

2. Improves endothelial function

The endothelium is the thin lining of your blood vessels. Healthy endothelial means better blood flow, less arterial stiffness, lowers blood pressure spikes.
Studies show moderate coffee intake helps maintain vascular flexibility.

3. Improves insulin sensitivity
Insulin resistance is a hidden driver of heart disease. Coffee (even decaf!) has been shown to help your body respond better to insulin (insulin sensitivity),
lowers blood sugar spikes, and reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance is pre-diabetes), which is a major cardiovascular risk factor

4. Lowers risk of stroke and arrhythmias
Some large studies (Framingham Heart Study, UK Biobank, etc.) have shown:
Moderate coffee drinkers have a lower risk of stroke. Coffee doesn’t cause irregular heartbeats in most people—some data even shows less atrial fibrillation

5. May help lower all-cause mortality
Multiple large-scale studies (Harvard, NIH, etc.) suggest coffee drinkers live longer overall—even when adjusting for things like smoking and diet.

Why 1–3 Cups?
That range seems to maximize benefits without triggering negative side effects (like anxiety, jitters, or sleep disruption).

Go way above that, and the stress hormone/cortisol spike may start to undo the good stuff for some people.

We suggest however that you chose organic coffee, which doesn’t have toxins from other growing practices.

See more health advantages at:  COFFEE

1. Harvard Health – Drinking coffee linked to healthier hearts and longer lives
Drinking coffee linked to healthier hearts and longer lives – Harvard Health
2. PubMed – Coffee consumption and risk of cardiovascular diseases: A comprehensive review
Impact of Coffee Consumption on Cardiovascular Health – PubMed (
3. PubMed – Unfiltered coffee raises serum cholesterol
Coffee consumption and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and total mortality: Does the brewing method matter? – PubMed (


Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

health benefits of elderberryI heard a commerical for a drug that was designed to stop a virus from replicating.   Really, I thought, why not just use elderberry.   I knew that was what elderberry did.

Next time I went to the Market at the Oyler’s Organic Farms, I remembered that they had elderberry syrup for sale.  I bought some.   Then some how after taking it I realized my tree pollen allergy got so much better that I hardly remembered I had that allergy.  Hmm.

So I did some checking on all the things that elderberry has in it vitamin wise and all the benefits it has for your health.

Read:  Elderberry (yes, I even included the trials on how elderberry stops any virus from replicating)


Is Chronic Inflammation Making You Hot and Bothered?

If you’ve ever stubbed your toe or suffered a minor paper cut, then you’re familiar with the effects of inflammation. The heat, redness, and swelling you experienced following that minor injury was the result of acute inflammation, which is part of your immune system’s natural response to trauma.

But there’s another kind of inflammation with which you may not be aware. Unlike acute inflammation, which usually involves pain and is short lived, chronic inflammation can be a “silent fire” and last for weeks or even years.

In fact, most people don’t even realize they’re “on fire” until they’re diagnosed with a serious disease. This may be why chronic inflammation has been identified as a factor in such diverse disorders as autoimmune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, type II Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

So, what is chronic inflammation? And more importantly, what can you do if you are suffering from it?

The Connection Between Inflammation and Your Immune System

Inflammation is an integral part of your body’s natural defenses. When threatened by harmful substances, such as a bacteria or viruses, your immune system sends wave after wave of white blood cells and chemicals to seek and destroy the offending organisms. This “inflammatory cascade” produces the heat, redness, and swelling which characterize acute inflammation. Once the offenders are destroyed the inflammatory cascade stops and healing begins.

During chronic inflammation, however, the inflammatory response is continual. Any number of factors can cause chronic inflammation.

Hereditary and environmental factors. Both may have a causal effect on autoimmune disease, such as inflammatory bowel disease or rheumatoid arthritis. In an autoimmune disease, your immune system mistakes its own tissues as “foreign,” unleashing the inflammatory response.

Typical Western lifestyle. Diets rich in sugars, fats, and food additives, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, may promote the production of inflammatory chemicals.

The “Fire” in Your Belly

Most people aren’t aware of the major role our gastrointestinal (GI) tract plays in our immune health. Besides digestion, our GI tract is home to nearly seventy percent of our immune system. It is a major source of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that plays a large role in defending the body against disease, and mast cells, which release histamines and other chemicals as part of an allergic response.

Calming the Flames—A Natural Approach

As home base for the majority of your immune system, your GI tract plays a vital role in your inflammatory response. By paying attention to your gut, you can minimize the effects of inflammation naturally. The following natural approaches can help:

Omega Essential Fatty Acids such as EPA and DHA may help decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease and support a healthy immune response. Although the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, non-fish food options include flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and walnuts.
Ginger and rosemary have been shown to support the healthy metabolism of inflammatory chemicals.

Turmeric extract inhibits the activities of a wide range of enzymes implicated in pain and inflammation.

Rice protein has been shown to have a lower allergy potential than other protein sources, making it a safer alternative.
You can also minimize chronic inflammation by eating a healthier diet (including more vegetables and nutrient-dense superfoods) and getting regular, moderate exercise. Both will reduce the amount of fat in your body, which research suggests may incite the inflammatory response.

By Cindy Clayton-Sudalnik, D.C.

The Most Powerful Natural Antioxidant You May Never Have Heard Of

Antioxidants can play an important role in reducing inflammation in the body. Antioxidants help to counteract oxidative stress. They neutralize excess free radicals to protect cells, prevent illness, and reduce inflammation.

The most powerful natural antioxidant discovered to date is Hydroxytyrosol.

Hydroxytyrosol has an ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity – its ability to absorb cell damaging free radicals) of 68,576 – which is considered to be 15 times higher than green tea and 3 times greater than CoQ10. It is recognized by scientists, because of numerous, well documented studies, for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effectiveness.

Hydroxytyrosol has the highest level of free radical absorption ever reported for a natural antioxidant. It has some very special characteristics that contribute to its effectiveness. It is:

* Rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and tissues where it can perform its free radical scavenging duties

* The only phenol (organic compound) that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, which allows it to absorb free radicals throughout the central nervous system

* Both fat and water soluble, giving it the highest bioavailability of any antioxidant.

The Science Behind Hydroxytyrosol

In numerous human, animal and in vitro (test tube) studies, Hydroxytyrosol has been shown to:

* Reduce markers/indicators of inflammation

* Support healthy mitochondrial function and significantly increase ATP (a molecule that carries energy within cells) energy production

* Promote significant and rapid reduction of LDL (bad cholesterol)

* Boost eye health and reduce risk of macular degeneration

* Have a therapeutic effect on the heart and cardiovascular system.

What is Inflammation? 

How the Medical System was Corrupted

This write up is by a friend which talks about the change over the years from plant medicine to chemical medicine.    Here is what he says:

“Just a century ago, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, 100 homeopathic hospitals, and over 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies. Boston University, Stanford University, and New York Medical College all taught homeopathy.

This all changed due to the Flexnor Report — officially known as Medical Education in the United States and Canada — in 1910. The report was an attempt to align medical education under a set of norms that emphasized laboratory research and the patenting of medicine. The report was funded by John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, among others.

Rockefeller and Carnegie offered grants to the best medical schools in America — with a caveat: only an allopathic-based curriculum could be taught. Thus, Rockefeller and Carnegie systematically dismantled the courses of these schools by removing any mention of the natural healing power of herbs and plants, or of the importance of diet to health.

Rockefeller used his power to influence Congress into declaring the AMA (American Medical Association) the only body with the right to grant medical school licenses in the United States. This suited Rockefeller perfectly – he then used the AMA to compel the Government to destroy the natural competition, which it did through regulating medical schools.

After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding and fear mongering/smear campaigns against natural remedies.

The result is a system which churns out doctors who are deficient in nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic knowledge and who disregard the idea that what you eat can actually heal or hurt you.

While physicians encourage patients to make healthy food choices, only 27 percent of U.S. medical schools actually offer students the recommended 25 hours of nutritional training, according to a perspective piece in the July 2015 issue of Academic Medicine. The word “nutrition” is not included in board examination requirements for internal medicine certification, and cardiology fellows do not need to complete a single requirement in nutrition counseling.

I truly believe that homeopathy is our best hope at undoing all that has been done to us.

Being healthy is the truest form of rebellion, let’s devote this time before winter comes to nourishing, building up, and gaining wisdom in how to rebel against our pharma handlers.”

I agree except that not only homepathy, but plant medicine like herbs and essential oils work well and have worked for thousands of years.   And add to that a good chemical free, diet works wonders to build health.

What is herbal medicine?

This is an interesting subject.  People seem to confuse using the 40 vital nutrients your body needs with herbs which can help the body heal, but is really doesn’t go to the cause of the problem.

In 1920, a report was done in order to “standardize’ medicine.  It was called the Flexnor report after the person who did the “research”.  The new standard was drugs and surgery.  Before that time, medical schools taught the traditional medications – herbology and homeopathy.

Herbs are natural (not a chemical made in a lab) and have healing properties.

Here is the article.

What is herbal medicine?

What is the Essential Oil Called “Thieves”???

This is a special blend of oils.   Why is it called Thieves?

The story of this blend of oils all centers around one event, the Bubonic Plague circa 1300s. During that time, there were four thieves who went from house to house to rob those who had died or were dying of the plague.

Eventually (as the police wanted to steer clear of anyone due to the plague) these thieves were captured and tried and convicted.

The judge offered leniency if they would share how they did it?  How were able to rob them but not be affected by the illness.

It seems they had formulated a special combination of oils.   They had been Spice traders but when the shipping trade was blocked by the government, they chose to steal because they knew how to formulate protection from the plague.

Thieves offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home cleaning and personal care products, from dish soap to toothpaste.

Why would you want to use products with Thieve’s oil blend?

There are two things that create health. One making sure you get the 40 nutrients that the body needs in order to function properly. And the second, to not put any toxins into the body that will lead to the body not functioning properly. Thus, you can ditch and replace any toxic chemicals in your house knowing the value of these oils.

Diffuse Thieves oil throughout the house and use Thieves cleaning products that are without harsh toxic chemicals.  It is known that most viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of these oils.

To Learn more and to Order the Essential Oil

To Order the Cleaning Products using this oil

8 Hidden Toxins: What’s Lurking in Your Cleaning Products?

We wanted to forward this article as one of the two ways to create “bad health” is to not get all the nutrients your body needs and to put toxins into the body. This article really goes over all the ingredients you don’t want in your cleaning products. It’s very interesting.

Jessie Sholl gives different suggestions on what to use that is safe and we also have a recommendation for products that not only are not toxic BUT was created when years of research indicated that most viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of some essential oils. That is at the end of this article.

See the Article in our Newsletter – Hidden Toxins in your Cleaning Supplies