Gluten Free Foods – the “Healthy Choice” ?

You have probably noticed a growing number of processed food products boasting with a label that says “Gluten-Free”.  It is the healthy choice.

It is interesting that a lot of people have gluten-free diets – they eat fruit, vegetables, meat – not processed foods.    But now you can actually buy ‘gluten-free’ pizza among many other gluten-free foods – cookies, cereals, breads, etc.

What does this all mean?   I decided to find out and here is an article on this

Gluten Free Foods – Are they healthy?

Grains – Are they good for you?

A lot of us know we can’t eat wheat. There are those who have “celiac’s disease” and then there are those who know that wheat and other grains just don’t agree with their digestive system.

There are many drugs available for the symptoms that are created by the problems many people have with digestion. And one has to ask the question, are these drugs necessary? Or is it something that I ate?

Here is an article on Grains

Fast Foods – What they do to Your Health?

Unhealthy, fast foods had become such a part of daily life.  The site was created to get people to understand what unhealthy nutrition can do to your health.  It has grown.  There are many subjects both preventative and what to do when you find you have a health problem.

There is a search function on the site and you can read up on whatever interests you.  The button above The McVitamins Website will bring you to the website.

We found an article recently about Fast Food entitled “Your Body & Fast Food”and wanted to share it with you.   You can find it here

To your health!

Another problem with Gluten-Free Foods

I got onto understanding gluten-free and found that although wheat free and a substitute for the foods people like that normally are made from wheat, that it is very high in carbohydrates.

If you look at the labels, it is high in starches, potato, rice, etc. etc. Now, we know that it increases the insulin in your body, but if that is not a concern to you, I realized it could cause other problems.

Candida or fungus or yeast is a normal part of the body, however, if it overgrows it can cause all sorts of problems.

What does this fungus thrive on – sugar.

What is carbohydrates?   Carbohydrates are long chains of glucose molecules hooked together.   And when the body digests the carbohydrates and breaks it down, it becomes glucose or sugar.

High amounts of carbohydrates become high amounts of sugar.   And if you have any overgrowth of this type of yeast, it will help it multiply.

It is something to think about when reaching for the gluten-free foods.

Remember the food you eat can create health, but it can also cause health problems.

For more information about Candida.   Go to Candida

Are Menopausal Symptoms Normal?

I remember a friend who had problems with menopause.   She went to a medical doctor who told her that in the past, people didn’t live as long as now, so it wasn’t a problem.  The medical doctor then tried to “balance her hormones”.

Okay, another weird fact?  People didn’t live as long. There was a 75th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in which a lot of original participants in the war showed up. 2000 Soldiers. They were in their 90s. (average age was 94)  There was also one funeral in 1916 where about 50 of the people who were in the same division as the deceased was in attendance, one was 101 years old. We don’t live as long?

It appears that the longevity is an average and there are reasons why people died early and thus the average age was lowered, but not true that people didn’t live so long so it wasn’t a problem.

However, menopausal symptoms are not normal. There is information on this and even a great video by Dr. Berg who sums it up quite easily.   “Menopausal Symptoms Normal – Think Again”   

Read Menopause

There is even information on what you can do about it. 


Do you treat the symptoms or the cause of the problem?

I’ve come across this quite often where some health problem is treated by addressing the symptom instead of finding out why that symptom exists and treating that.  How many medical doctors think that they are naturopaths by addressing sleep with tart cherry instead of a drugs.  But they are still treating the symptoms.  Finding out why the person can’t sleep and treating that would be a nutritional handling of the problem.

Here is a video done by Dr. Eric Berg on What is the Cause of Fatigue?   He goes over this exact point.

Reverse Tooth Decay?

What?  Reverse Tooth Decay?   I was surprised when I read this title as I’ve been told my whole life that once a tooth is decayed the dentist will try and clean it out with his drill and fill it.  And thereby hopefully somehow saving the tooth. And, of course, if it is too far gone, the inevitable words, it will have to be pulled.

I myself have had too many teeth pulled and so was interested in finding out what this was about.   I was surprised to find out that this research was done in 1922 yet I’ve never heard anything about it. Or maybe I wasn’t really surprised that the research was  never followed up on.  It is amazing the research you can find not acted upon if you search for it.

Here is the article, I very much want to share it and will be doing follow up research myself

Reversing Tooth Decay

To your Dental Health,


A Healthy Diet – Do You Know What That Is?


I’m amazed whenever I hear the words either in print or on radio or TV – “eat a healthy diet.”   The problem is that it is never defined.   Does a healthy diet mean you eat low fat?- some people believe that is true.   Or is it that you eat lots of fruit and vegetables?   What about protein – is meat okay?

I’ve  heard lots of bits and pieces, but mostly its just “a healthy diet”.  I’ve even heard that a healthy diet means you exercise … what?    Am I supposed to somehow innately know what that means?   Did I miss that in class one day?   Surely there must be a definition somewhere.

There used to be a food pyramid, that got replaced by a plate showing what should be on that plate each day.  Both seems rather silly and neither said anything about whether the food should be processed or GMO free.   I always wondered who made these up – someone in the government, but not who or why they thought this was the ideal diet.   I thought maybe they all voted on it.   It somehow was made up by “nutritional educators”.  Whoever that might be.

Try as I may, no one really gives you a definitive answer.   It’s funny too because I’ve never heard someone actually ask for a list of what to eat.  I never heard one of the health gurus come up what a list, or a guideline – just “eat a healthy diet”.

My search got some results.  I found a nutritionist who actually printed off a list of foods to eat.  Really.

You can read it here.   Good Food.

I’d be interested in seeing what you think.