Elderberry Benefits for Your Health

health benefits of elderberryI heard a commerical for a drug that was designed to stop a virus from replicating.   Really, I thought, why not just use elderberry.   I knew that was what elderberry did.

Next time I went to the Market at the Oyler’s Organic Farms, I remembered that they had elderberry syrup for sale.  I bought some.   Then some how after taking it I realized my tree pollen allergy got so much better that I hardly remembered I had that allergy.  Hmm.

So I did some checking on all the things that elderberry has in it vitamin wise and all the benefits it has for your health.

Read:  Elderberry (yes, I even included the trials on how elderberry stops any virus from replicating)


Why is improving metabolism important?

Metabolism Definition:  Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemicalimproving your metabolism process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease.   Thus, improving metabolism is a health goal.

If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions.

Read more about improving metabolism and what to take to improve your health.

Strengthen your Immune System for a Better Immune Response Beta Glucans

You might have an overactive immune system resulting in allergies, arthritis, gut problems etc et.

Or you might have heath conditions that might weaken your immune system.

What can help to strengthen your immune system response.

You can read about Immunity and Your Immune System and get educated about Immunity.

BUT especially read about Beta Glucans (Including links to the scientific studies about Beta Glucan

NEW – Kid’s Chewable Multivitamins

cjewable MultivitaminsSupport your child’s growth and immune system function with Dr. Berg Kids Chewable Multivitamin with vitamin D and essential trace minerals.

Dr. Berg Kids Chewable Multivitamin is loaded with whole-food nutrients—supplying 18 essential vitamins and minerals along with our unique trace mineral complex. This formula is made with real berries and vegetables, which contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also provide powerful phytonutrients.

Read more about this product

Kid’s Chewable Multiple Vitamins

The 8 Nutritional Challenges Facing Athletes


MCVitamins has been looking for supplements that work well for athletes and actually anyone who want to be fit. The below is what my research discovered

Read on……

Athletes face 8 nutritional challenges. Their bodies work harder and need good nutrition. What are the all-natural solutions?

Athletes want to enhance their performance. Nature provides us with the most effective and powerful choices.

The choice becomes clearer when you compare the long term muscle fitness and health building effects of whole food and nutritional supplements versus the well-documented health issues often associated with the artificial methods.

What is the needed nutrition that is the most proven and effective choice for enhancing performance – without breaking rules, laws, or endangering your body!

What are the Challenges?

The 8 challenges area as follow:

Core Nutrition
Muscle Building
Reaction Time
Hormone Balance

All these challenges must be met in order to enhance the ability to excel.

What are our recommendations?   Athlete Challenges and why we recommend them.

Why is Optimum Metabolism so Important in Children?

Mitochondria, an integral part of diverse cellular functions, are susceptible to damage which leads to non-optimum metabolism.

Today, unknowingly, children are exposed to many toxins in their food and environment and the damage done to the mitochondria could explain particular behavior and health issues. For example, tests of baby food sold in the US revealed that 95 percent contain one or more toxic chemicals, including lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. As children grow, they continue to be exposed to chemical preservatives and additives in the food they eat, and harmful chemicals in their environment.

Children are more susceptible to exposure to toxins than adults because the toxins potentially have a bigger impact on the pathways in their smaller bodies, and their bodies are actively developing.

A paper from 2017 describes how mitochondrial dysfunction is the root cause of many diseases that are bewildering in their variety and complexity. They include rare genetic disorders in children. (3)

Children must have optimum metabolism to correctly support the many biochemical reactions in their body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems.

Cellular metabolism plays a more dynamic role in the cells that previously thought. Nearly all of a cell’s genes are influenced by changes to nutrition they have access to.

There is now scientific evidence for the use of metabolism-based protocols to provide tailored nutrition to improve the health of children. (1)

Check out the Spectrum Care+ Protocol link on this page

Why do you want to eat right?

Most people are told to eat a healthy diet, etc., but what is the underlying reason..  A lot of people say to lose weight and be healthy,  others to protect themselves from “germs” or “disease”.

The “germ theory” says that we have to protect ourselves from the virus infections or bacterial infections or other “germs”.thus, the idea is that you have to take  certain vitamins, herbs or minerals that will protect you  from these “germs” and thus disease.

However, a much better viewpoint is that if the body is healthy, that “terrain” can not be invaded by “germs”,   There is no place for them to infect.    Do you know what a virus has variants?   Because they alter things so they can find a way to work themselves into an ailing body.    They are trying to survive.   Variants spread easier, but are always weaker.

I think its easier to have a healthy body which is resistant to any “germ” that might be trying to invade it.

You can read more about this

 Why is what we Eat So Important?