Coffee – Friend or Foe of Heart Health?

healthy coffeeThere is solid research behind why 1–3 cups of coffee a day can actually protect against heart disease.  Here’s how:

1. It contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation

Coffee is loaded with compounds like chlorogenic acid, which help reduce oxidative stress (which damages blood vessels and LDL cholesterol) It will
lower inflammation, which is a key trigger for plaque rupture and clots

2. Improves endothelial function

The endothelium is the thin lining of your blood vessels. Healthy endothelial means better blood flow, less arterial stiffness, lowers blood pressure spikes.
Studies show moderate coffee intake helps maintain vascular flexibility.

3. Improves insulin sensitivity
Insulin resistance is a hidden driver of heart disease. Coffee (even decaf!) has been shown to help your body respond better to insulin (insulin sensitivity),
lowers blood sugar spikes, and reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance is pre-diabetes), which is a major cardiovascular risk factor

4. Lowers risk of stroke and arrhythmias
Some large studies (Framingham Heart Study, UK Biobank, etc.) have shown:
Moderate coffee drinkers have a lower risk of stroke. Coffee doesn’t cause irregular heartbeats in most people—some data even shows less atrial fibrillation

5. May help lower all-cause mortality
Multiple large-scale studies (Harvard, NIH, etc.) suggest coffee drinkers live longer overall—even when adjusting for things like smoking and diet.

Why 1–3 Cups?
That range seems to maximize benefits without triggering negative side effects (like anxiety, jitters, or sleep disruption).

Go way above that, and the stress hormone/cortisol spike may start to undo the good stuff for some people.

We suggest however that you chose organic coffee, which doesn’t have toxins from other growing practices.

See more health advantages at:  COFFEE

1. Harvard Health – Drinking coffee linked to healthier hearts and longer lives
Drinking coffee linked to healthier hearts and longer lives – Harvard Health
2. PubMed – Coffee consumption and risk of cardiovascular diseases: A comprehensive review
Impact of Coffee Consumption on Cardiovascular Health – PubMed (
3. PubMed – Unfiltered coffee raises serum cholesterol
Coffee consumption and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and total mortality: Does the brewing method matter? – PubMed (


Why do you want to eat right?

Most people are told to eat a healthy diet, etc., but what is the underlying reason..  A lot of people say to lose weight and be healthy,  others to protect themselves from “germs” or “disease”.

The “germ theory” says that we have to protect ourselves from the virus infections or bacterial infections or other “germs”.thus, the idea is that you have to take  certain vitamins, herbs or minerals that will protect you  from these “germs” and thus disease.

However, a much better viewpoint is that if the body is healthy, that “terrain” can not be invaded by “germs”,   There is no place for them to infect.    Do you know what a virus has variants?   Because they alter things so they can find a way to work themselves into an ailing body.    They are trying to survive.   Variants spread easier, but are always weaker.

I think its easier to have a healthy body which is resistant to any “germ” that might be trying to invade it.

You can read more about this

 Why is what we Eat So Important?

Do you take herbs for Neuropathy?

I’ve have found at least four different neuropathy products claiming to repair nerves, or handle neuropathy symptoms, that contain herbs.  I’ve written about herbs before as they aren’t nutrients that the body needs to grow and repair itself (ie. protein, vitamins, minerals, etc). They act like drugs in so far as they force the body to do something it normally doesn’t do.  It is also hard to determine the strength of the herb you are taking as they aren’t like the herbs you drink in tea or put on your salad, they are extracts and thus you don’t really know the quality or strength of what you are taking.

Herbs may relieve the symptoms of neuropathy, but relief in the sense that they cover up the symptoms and you have to keep taking the herbs to get that relief.  They don’t go to the cause of the problem.

Herbs also have side effects and can’t be taken with different medications.

First, if you are on medications and want to take any herbal remedy, please go to your pharmacist.  The pharmacies have a database to check whether the drug and the herb will conflict.

Here is an article with a list of the many herbs touted for neuropathy.  It talks about side effects and how long you can safely take them.

There is a link on this page to an article about the problem of taking herbs for neuropathy and that page has a link to a video by a pharmacist telling you how to take herbs safely if you want to. to. She talks about taking one at a time so you can judge what the herb is doing for you.

But rather than tell you what she says you can go directly to the page where you can find it Taking Herbs 

What is herbal medicine?

This is an interesting subject.  People seem to confuse using the 40 vital nutrients your body needs with herbs which can help the body heal, but is really doesn’t go to the cause of the problem.

In 1920, a report was done in order to “standardize’ medicine.  It was called the Flexnor report after the person who did the “research”.  The new standard was drugs and surgery.  Before that time, medical schools taught the traditional medications – herbology and homeopathy.

Herbs are natural (not a chemical made in a lab) and have healing properties.

Here is the article.

What is herbal medicine?

Do you use Artificial Sweeteners? Are they Healthy Replacements for Sugar?

A lot of people use artificial sweeteners because they have heard that sugar is bad for them but love things sweet.   Are they doing the right thing?

Artificial sweeteners have their own problems.   Here is a list of them with links to articles on their relationship to your health

Sugar Substitutes

Is there anything you can take to sweeten up you coffee or use in your baking.   It appears that Stevia is the best option.  Stevia is a herb that used in very small amounts make a great sweetener.  It comes in packets, or drops and works well.

Here is the definition:

Stevia: Made from the leaves of a Paraguayan herb, and usually found in powder form, it is 300 times sweeter than sugar. A little goes a very long way (obviously). It’s non-caloric, which is generally considered a plus.