Why is improving metabolism important?

Metabolism Definition:  Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemicalimproving your metabolism process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease.   Thus, improving metabolism is a health goal.

If you have high blood pressure, high blood glucose, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, excess weight around the waist you have a metabolic disorder – an imbalance or deficiency – that negatively affects the way your body functions.

Read more about improving metabolism and what to take to improve your health.

How Mitochondrial Dysfunction Can Cause Low Energy and Degenerative Disease

The following information regarding the underlying issues related to degenerative diseases comes from Dr. Anthony Martin:

“Nearly every conversation or consultation I had with patients started with some variation of this question: “How’s your ENERGY on a scale of 1-10?”

“The answer to this question gave me good insight into what was happening with the patient. Most people are tired (and oddly enough) they don’t sleep well).

“When they do have energy, it doesn’t last. They’re dragging their feet most of the day, especially in the evening.

“Let’s face it, it is hard to have energy if your hormones, gut, immune system, or metabolic health are a mess.

“A few weeks ago, I was driving when the low tire pressure indicator on the dashboard of my truck lit up. I added some air to the tire and didn’t think twice about it. Then, about a week later, the low tire pressure indicator lit up again. When I got home I checked the tire and sure enough there was a tiny screw embedded in it. My tire had a slow leak. When you’re fatigued (or have lower energy) the same thing happens to a critical part of your cells. Your mitochondria have a slow leak.


“Your mitochondria are the batteries of your cells. If you’re struggling with energy, then your mitochondria are the problem. In life, you know that more isn’t always better. But, when it comes to your mitochondria…MORE is BETTER.

“If you have more batteries — you’ll have more energy. Also, you want BIGGER and HEAVIER mitochondria as well. In short, you want a lot of giant and healthy mitochondria.

“UNFORTUNATELY, that’s not the case for most people. Many suffer from MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION. This means they have fewer mitochondria, and the ones they do have are smaller and inefficient. It’s why they’re tired. It’s why they’re dragging their feet all day. And it’s why their energy isn’t what it used to be. (It’s also why they have brain fog…and even pain!)

“You should know that mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to serious health problems like Type-2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Dementia and Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the first steps to most chronic diseases. This brings us to the million-dollar question…


“What causes them to break down, die off, or become less efficient?

“The same thing that leads to all diseases: Free Radical Damage, Leaky Gut Syndrome and High Circulating Insulin.

“We call them the 3 SEEDS of DISEASE because any of them will cause inflammation, and that inflammation will lead you down a path toward disease.

“What’s interesting is that for some chronic inflammation will lead to heart disease, for others Alzheimer’s or dementia and some other people are inclined to end up with an autoimmune disease or suffer with hormonal issues.

“You can reverse engineer it back to mitochondrial dysfunction caused by inflammation and the inflammation was caused by either, or all three – Free Radical Damage, Leaky Gut Syndrome, or High Circulating Insulin.

So, when I ask, “How’s your ENERGY on a scale of 1-10?” and they respond with some variation of “Not good” then I know one of the seeds of disease (or all of them) have been going on for long enough to cause inflammation and that has now caused mitochondrial dysfunction.

“When I talked with the patient about how to overcome their symptoms and fix the underlying problem, I start with gut health, metabolic health, and reversing free radical damage.

“Your mitochondria can bounce back. You just have to tackle the underlying cause.”

This is vitally important data from Dr. Anthony Martin.

If you recognize any of these issues in yourself, then we have some suggestions. Qgenics’ mission is to help more people have better health. We can help with ideas that will help correct the underlying issues of chronic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and poor metabolic health.

Diet and lifestyle changes are very important. Cut refined sugar, high carbohydrate foods and ultra-processed foods from your diet. Eat more lean proteins and vegetables. If you are eating a lot of fruit (because you think it’s healthy) cut back to just eating the equivalent of a small handful of fruit a day. Also, increase your movement by doing some kind of exercise at least 5 days a week. Even a short walk around your block will help. Start out doing whatever you can and build up from there.

To help this process, we have developed a supplement called Metabolic Boost. It’s 100% natural and contains plant-based ingredients designed to reduce inflammation, boost mitochondrial function and correct metabolism.

Attacking these issues with lifestyle changes and
supplementation can help improve many health issues.

Click here to find out more Improving Metabolism 

The Side Effect of a Pandemic for Diabetics


Diabetes deaths surged during the pandemic, rising 17% in 2020

Even diabetics who didn’t get this flu  suffered, often falling victim to isolation, social distancing, lack of medical care and fear

Diabetes deaths and diabetes-caused amputations and intensive care admissions have plagued diabetes patients who delayed medical care during the pandemic; ‘The diagnosis was uncontrolled diabetes, but it was caused by pandemic fear’

Among 8- to 20-year-olds, Type 2 diabetes diagnoses tripled in 2020 at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.; school closures and reduced physical activity triggered by the pandemic were likely factors in the sudden rise

Among U.S. adults who responded to the American Psychological Association’s 2021 Stress in America poll, 42% said they had gained more weight than they intended since the pandemic started  

Eliminating ultraprocessed foods is an essential part of tackling both obesity and Type 2 diabetes, in part because it lowers your intake of toxic seed oils that are driving both conditions.

Read  Diets for Diabetics

Insulin Does More than Lowering Blood Sugar

Insulin is necessary, but too much Insulin due to high amounts of sugar and carbs leads to Insulin Resistance and eventually to diabetes if not addressed properly.  There is good evidence that high amounts of insulin in the blood leads to coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other problems.

Cutting down on insulin by eating fats, protein and veggies will not only cut so much insulin in the blood stream but will also get insulin resistant cells to be insulin sensitive – a good thing.

There is a lot written about this.   Most often the Ketogenic Diet is considered a way to lose weight – but so much more.  The theory you don’t get healthy by losing weight, you get Healthy to Lose Weight.

But even if you aren’t overweight, building health is a good thing.

Read more about Insulin Resistance

And  Insulin does a Lot more than Lower Blood Glucose