Testosterone Treatments and Health Risks

Recently, you might have noticed a lot of ads about supplementing to help become more like when a guy was 20.   It seems to make some sort of sense, supplement with testosterone.

Giving the body artificial or hormone replacement therapy has never been a good idea.  The best way to help the bodies hormonal system is to find out which glands need support and give the body the nutritional supplements (whole food supplements) it needs to strengthen the system.

Meanwhile, its been found that testosterone supplementation is now linked to heart risk. Not surprising.   Here is an article   Testosterone treatment linked to Heart Risks.  Check our article on HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy

Male Hormone Replacement

Recently, there has been a big push on replacing testosterone to help men regain their youth.

Is it t good idea?

There has already been talk about the negative side of taking these supplements.   So, here is an article which not only talks about that, but about what natural things you can do to improve this valuable hormone.

Low T – Testosterone

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Hip & Knee Joints, Why They Wear Out

Have you noticed how many people are getting knee and hip replacements.  It is gaining support and someone with a lot of pain, is very happy with the fact that they now don’t have any pain.

Of course, it never addressed the reason that joints wear out.  Since knee replacements are often followed by hip replacements, it might be good to find out.

And it would be good to find out before you go to have your knee replaced by an artificial metal joint.

Hip Joints, why they wear out? what to do

Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron; calcium; magnesium; amino acids; chlorophyll; and vitamins A, C and E. It contains all the minerals known to man as well as vitamins B Complex, I and K. It’s  nutrient content is said to boost immunity, kill harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and rid your body of waste.  

In a juice form it is easily assimilated. 

Dr. Berg’s wheat grass juice powder is 100% organic and massively nutrient-dense. It is grown on an ancient sea bed in Utah, which allows the grass to absorb tons of trace minerals. It is dark green, alive and very aromatic. You’ll notice the difference between this wheat grass juice powder by its deep green color, soothing taste and aromatic smell.

See more about Wheat Grass 

Building Health at the Cellular Level

“We need to shift focus from treating disease to generating health” – Hippocrates (AMA “The Father of Medicine”)

As per the above quote, generating health is the way to go. It is smart to not let your body degenerate to the point where you have to have a medical doctor intervene with drugs and surgery. You create health by addressing the body’s needs and improving health where you are more able to live life.

I’ve done a lot of looking, and found this incredible product that meets the needs of many problems with the ingredients it contains.

Read:  Cellular Health and recommended  nutrition.

Toxins = Bad Health

There are so many ways that toxins can get into your body and disrupt the normal body functions.   Yes, you can breath it, you can ingest them, you can even get it through your skin.’

Wonder what is in your beauty products?  What is in that shaving cream?  What is in the make up or skin softener?  What about the cleaning products?

What about the food you eat?   Not only can it have lots of toxins from the way it was grown, but now most vegetables are genetically modified …. GMOs.

Start somewhere and start eliminating the toxins from constantly being used by the body instead of what it should be using for health.

Here’s an article on GMO in case you wonder about buying non-GMO products but think they are too expensive.  Think about how expensive bad health is.


How About Not Putting Toxins in Your Body

How?  One way is not to eat anything with toxins.  Interesting idea isn’t it.

So one of the dubious foods that are toxic, or worse, we don’t know that interfering with food will do.  I’m talking about GMOs.   Genetically Modified Organisms, doesn’t sound very healthy to me.

Here is some links that will take you to:

GMO Companies (they don’t want you to know

How to Know if Food is GMO

GMO & Non GMO Labeling on Produce

GMO Free Companies

And so you know why – what is GMO 

To your Health!

Aging and Staying Active

I’ve heard of yoga as a tool for aging. But then I read this article that was written for caregivers, but which can be used by anyone to be more active and mobile. It is full of really good information so I put it on the MCVitamins page on Aging.

But you can go directly to read it here Yoga & Seniors