Dental Health – What does it mean?

Have you been given scary words to get you to come every 6 months to have your teeth scraped (“cleaned” or to fight back any “decay” by having holes drilled in your teeth and filled with foreign material. Well, there really is no other way to fight tooth loss and pain, right?


Start by finding out what those terms mean and then look at what can be done for Dental Health, not Dental Disease Care.

Read: Bleeding Gums, Receding Gums and Loose Teeth Why it happens and what you can do about it?

Does Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Feel Worse in the Holiday Season?

Have you noticed it yourself?  Whatever it is that you were doing that was helping, doesn’t seem to work.   What changed?   Is it the weather?

Have you noticed that your diet changes after Thanksgiving?   Thanksgiving is an  eating holiday followed by pies, desserts and Christmas cookies. Most religions have holidays at this time of the year and celebrate the same way – with food.

Are you now eating more often with friends and attending parties (with friends and at work)?

So what does this have to do with neuropathy?

Here is an article that will give you a good idea.  Slow down Building Healthy Nerves

Acne from Wearing a Mask?

Yes, its not a joke, many people who have to wear masks for long hours and are prone to acne will develop what is now called Maskne.

You can read about it on this page, it includes what you can do and even the clinical trials that back this up.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome – What is it, What to do about it

It is an intestinal disorder.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both.

Only a small number of people have severe signs and symptoms.

Most people with IBS experience times when the symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely.

What are the TIPS to relieving this problem   IBS TIPS