What is the Cause of your Neuropathy?

I’ve heard time and time again, from someone suffering from neuropathy, that they don’t know the cause of their neuropathy, and that it was called idiopathic neuropathy by their doctor. That’s just a fancy word for not knowing the cause.

There is a long list of possible causes of neuropathy.   Neuropathy means nerve damage and any way in which a nerve can be damaged, can be the cause.   It is even found that sometimes there was some earlier nerve damage, but not enough for someone to notice until something else contributed to the damage and then it became obvious that something was wrong.   So you can have more than one cause of neuropathy.  It is sometimes a combination of things

Why is it important to know what caused the neuropathy?

When it comes to fixing the nerve damage, the cause doesn’t matter.   The body needs specific tools (nutrients in the form of specific vitamins) in order to repair the damaged nerve, however, knowing the cause or causes of the damage is important.

If something is causing nerve damage, it can continue to cause nerve damage and the condition can get worse.  With diabetes, its fairly simple, keep the blood sugars low so more damage is not created.   If you are continually exposed to a toxin that can cause nerve damage, you would stay away from that toxin.

An example:  If there are toxic chemicals in the person’s environment (cleaning or maybe paints, etc.), and the person is not aware that it can cause nerve damage, and they don’t stop doing whatever it is that is creating the problem then the condition just gets worse.    A painter constantly exposed to his chemicals can get nerve damage but it might not be enough to notice until a second cause is introduced, perhaps he has a food allergy and the food thus becomes toxic to him.   Now he has two causes, and he begins to know something is wrong.

There are many variations to this.    Maybe the painter instead of a food allergy is given a medication that has a possible side effect of nerve damage again he now begins to feel symptoms as the earlier damage is made worse.

There are things that cause neuropathy, they are definable and can be addressed to stop any more damage.

We have a page on the website McVitamins.com that gives you a list of all the possible things that are known to cause neuropathy.    When you see the various causes, you can spot the cause or you can locate the combination of things that create this problem.

You can see the list here http://www.mcvitamins.com/neuropathy-risk-factors-nerve-pain.htm

Here’s to your health.

Sciatica – what is it really?

I had a friend with severe sciatica.   She could hardly walk and was bent over in an attempt to not have so much pain.    She had seen the chiropractor as the nerve was compressed  and after a few adjustments, she was still feeling the pain.   Seemed to be that the nerve was injured and needed some help, so treated it like nerve damage (neuropathy) and gave her the RHP Nerve Support Formula.   She told me that 5 days later she was completely good with no more pain or problem.

So here is an article I put together about sciatica and what to do about it.


To you health!

Do you take herbs for Neuropathy?

I’ve have found at least four different neuropathy products claiming to repair nerves, or handle neuropathy symptoms, that contain herbs.  I’ve written about herbs before as they aren’t nutrients that the body needs to grow and repair itself (ie. protein, vitamins, minerals, etc). They act like drugs in so far as they force the body to do something it normally doesn’t do.  It is also hard to determine the strength of the herb you are taking as they aren’t like the herbs you drink in tea or put on your salad, they are extracts and thus you don’t really know the quality or strength of what you are taking.

Herbs may relieve the symptoms of neuropathy, but relief in the sense that they cover up the symptoms and you have to keep taking the herbs to get that relief.  They don’t go to the cause of the problem.

Herbs also have side effects and can’t be taken with different medications.

First, if you are on medications and want to take any herbal remedy, please go to your pharmacist.  The pharmacies have a database to check whether the drug and the herb will conflict.

Here is an article with a list of the many herbs touted for neuropathy.  It talks about side effects and how long you can safely take them.

There is a link on this page to an article about the problem of taking herbs for neuropathy and that page has a link to a video by a pharmacist telling you how to take herbs safely if you want to. to. She talks about taking one at a time so you can judge what the herb is doing for you.

But rather than tell you what she says you can go directly to the page where you can find it Taking Herbs 

With Nerve Damage, you need more than an antioxidant.

In the last year or so, the number of articles written about neuropathy has grown and with this number the different “natural” remedies have grown.  I even find new “remedies” that come and go on a regular basis which claim they have the ingredients to help neuropathy.

Most remedies that I found claim antioxidants are the thing that will help, but others have their own combinations.

The real bottom line is will it build healthy nerves?  What does the body need to build healthy nerves?

The right tools for Neuropathy, read about it here.

Are you confused about what you’ve been told about Neuropathy?

You might be confused by all the names that are given to “Neuropathy”.   Neuropathy or nerve damage is called by the cause of the neuropathy or by the type of nerve affected or by the area that is affected.

It can get confusing, so an article was written to try and give all the different names that neuropathy is called.

Hoping to clear up the confusions – go to Are you Confused about What You’ve Been Told about Neuropathy?