Could your health problems be a non-alcoholic Fatty Liver?

fatty liver Not all fatty livers are caused by alcohol.  There are so many other reasons that you might have a fatty liver.  Toxins of all kinds create a problem.

The liver is the major organ for detoxification. It detoxifies, by metabolizing and/or secreting the toxins out of the body.  A damaged fatty liver does not work to do its job.

Think of all the problems that can be created when your body can’t metabolize food, supplements, etc.  nor able to detoxify viruses, fungus or bacteria.

Learn about a Fatty Liver and decide what to do next.

Masks & Skin Inflammation and Bacterial exposure due to wearing them

Whether you agree with the wearing of masks or not, you are often required to wear them to work for 8 hours, or when you visit a store.

Without the controversy there is another situation, many people develop skin trouble from wearing a mask (especially those prone to acne & skin problems)

There is a solution to the skin inflammation.Here is an article regarding this: Natural Skin Repair Solution for Maskne


Bacteria Infections – This is part of the problem, no doubt, but there is a situation (and more controversy) regarding bacterial infection from breathing in a mask.

We will find out more information on this, but meanwhile, please don’t wear a mask more than one day before changing to a new mask which has just been washed.

One of the scary thoughts is geting a bacterial infection in your lungs and then being exposed to the flu with already weakened lungs from a bacterial infection. So if you wear a mask, keep it clean and bacteria free.

More next week.

Antibiotics – natural or not?

How did “antibiotics” so freely dispensed come about?

Well, Alexander Fleming, Scottish physician, biologist, pharmacologist and botanist returned from holiday on September 3, 1928, he looked at his petri dishes containing colonies of Staphylococcus, bacteria that cause boils, sore throats and abscesses  He found something unusual on one dish. It was dotted with colonies, save for one area where some mold was growing. The zone immediately around the mold (later identified as a rare strain of Penicillium notatum) was clear, the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth.  He found it was capable of killing a wide range of harmful bacteria.  And thus, Penicillan was created.  It was not till 1941 that it was developed enough to be used on a human.

It is now 76 years later, do we use anything other than mold, which is a type of fungus actually, and ….. well, the basis of the “modern” day antibiotics is still mold.

Now, even the CDC is telling people to look for fungus when the body is not getting well through standard medical treatment.

So, do you take these chemical antibiotics/mold or do you find something natural.  There is a host of things you could be taking.

See: What is an Antibiotic with a list of natural antibiotics.